Dreaming of the future


Had this happened to anyone before? I'm the kind of person that has vivid dreams. Very colorful and eventful. And i usually remember the dreams when I wake up. Even days or weeks after I still remember it. I also dream about the future but I won't know it until it actually happens. I don't know if you will understand this. But it's like dejavu. When it is actually happening, then I would be like, 'hey I dreamt of this before' .. But it's these kind of dream that I do not have any memory of until it actually is happening.
Why is that??? I remember all my other dreams very clearly too. But it's when it's a dream of the future that I don't remember???? Does this happen to anyone? What does this mean for me? Can I develop this skill?


That's really cool!

I know one person who has told me a story about this happening to them. She said everything happened, all the people, details and events right down to the very last moment in the dream where she started to get a little hysterical which happened in real life because she was so spooked out in real time that she started to get hysterical.

I never gave much thought to my dreams as mine are absolutely wacky and far fetched... but I have been noticing them more since I started to become lucid and even wake myself up if things are too freaky. Also I have started to notice that some ideas I am very set on in my waking life I have been having opposing ideas in my dreams - it feels like I am being told what to think which is starting to bother me. Sorry, I kind of went on a tangent!


Had this happened to anyone before? I'm the kind of person that has vivid dreams. Very colorful and eventful. And i usually remember the dreams when I wake up. Even days or weeks after I still remember it. I also dream about the future but I won't know it until it actually happens. I don't know if you will understand this. But it's like dejavu. When it is actually happening, then I would be like, 'hey I dreamt of this before' .. But it's these kind of dream that I do not have any memory of until it actually is happening.
Why is that??? I remember all my other dreams very clearly too. But it's when it's a dream of the future that I don't remember???? Does this happen to anyone? What does this mean for me? Can I develop this skill?

I'm not sure why it happens that way, perhaps we are not to remember it as a dream at all so we can't change what is going to happen? I'm just guessing. I have many dreams about the future and some are just like you describe here. I do not remember them until it actually happens.

I imagine you could possibly develop the skill so that you will remember it, but I can't tell you how to go about doing that! If you find out, please let me know! :D

Some of my 'future' dreams, I wake up remembering vividly and know it is coming to be and so I do my best to tell someone close to me about my dream. Then, it comes and happens and I have 'proof' that I knew it would--in that other person. :laugh: But I don't know why I can't remember ALL of the dreams that come true--only some of them. :confused:


I have vivid dreams, too, and exactly what you describe above. I've been trying to figure out, as celticnoodle indicated, whether there was a way or a method to "remember" them...or rather, maybe "remember" is not the right word...whether there is a way to "catch" the "impression" in the initial moments and recognize it as "important to remember". Then, I sense, I would be able to see an "urgency" about it and not have it be fleeting. Also, I believe, there are certain vibrations and colours associated with these kinds of "prophetic" dreams...but, they're not visuals...the colours are "felt" on the inside. That takes practice and a level of awareness. In any case, always write them down...and tell someone, as celticnoodle said :), it helps to reinforce the idea that something was actually happening. I am thankful for that "deja vu" feeling. It's my signal, in these cases anyway, that I was receiving information...very refined information. Then, we also have to ask ourselves, if we did have the information and understanding from the beginning, what would we do with it? Discernment, depending on the information received, would be a very important skill to develop. Just some more thoughts.


Hi Kelly,
hope you are well!

Your dreams sound like premonitions. Sometimes (rarely) I dream of something in the future that it comes true. I have a friend who actually fears her dreams coming true when they are bad ones :( But also have had your experience as well where you can't remember it and then have a memory!

Sometimes that happens and I visit a new place and then think I dreamt of this before, it seems so familiar! I wonder if this is connected to past lives or something?

Perhaps try getting some crystals which help you dream and look up online (and even on these forums) for articles about lucid dreaming. You can train yourself to remember better or keep paper and pen by your bed to scribble stuff down straight away :D


I agree with another poster. That you can work on fine tuning your gift. A member of my family dreams predictive dreams and has a set time frame for them.