Elemental Sides of Personality Spread


This spread is inspired by my study of the Shared Status of the Court Cards which is explained in the article, Taking it to the Next Level - Understanding Dignity: Part III, Shared Status.

The spread is simple and meant to force focus on the four elemental tendencies of ones personality by examining the youthful side (Page), young adult side (Knight), feminine side (Queen), and masculine side (Kings).

Now, I know some folks are thinking the feminine or masculine side might not apply to them, but we all have a little of each in all of us. :) Just like we all have a bit of adolescents (page) and room for growth (Knight) in our personality.

The spread goes like this...(Note: This is a very interactive reading and works best if the querent actively particpates.)



Using ONLY the courts, seperate the card into four stacks by status - Page, Knight, Queen and King. Shuffle each stack and lay one card in each position.

Position 1: Page - What do you need to know about the Page side (youthful) of your personality?

Position 2: Knight - What do you need to know about the Knight side (young adult) of your personality?

Position 3: Queen - What do you need to know about the Queen side (feminine) of your personality?

Position 4: King - What do you need to know about the King side (masculine) of your personality?

Assess each side of the querents personality by looking at the element and attributes associated with card. Consider which element dominates the personality. Compare the elements for compatibility.

Combine all the remaining cards and shuffle into one stack.

Position 5, 6, 7, 8: What outside personalities influences the querents personality?

Discuss and consider who these four cards represent. Is it someone close to the the querent, a relative, friend, co-worker, or maybe teacher? Is it someone the querent actually knows personally or it someone famous from the past or present? Is it a love interest? Is it someone the querent dislikes? Compare and consider which person influences the a side (or sides) of the querents personality, either Negative or Positive.

Finally, match card 5, 6, 7, and 8 to the traits of the querent personality in position 1, 2, 3, and 4 by working through which person most influences a specific side of the personality. Discuss and consider the compatibility and positive and negative influences.

Below is a sample reading I performed on myself using the Victorian Romantic Tarot. It brought clarity on my relationship with my son, and helped me realize I do sometimes have a bit of a adolescent mind set regarding potential relationships.

P1) Page of Swords - As I am a very simplistic thinker, this makes sense.

P2) Knight of Wands - Displays my ambitious spirit.

P3) Queen of Cups - Identifies my feminine side very well, and is also the card associated of my birth on the zodiac wheel.

P4) King of Cups - Points to my emotional maturity and the fact I have been experienced many emotions, which is sooo true.

Cups dominate, which speaks true about my highly emotional personality. The Page of Swords concerns me, and tells me I am not pushing myself intellectually enough. Perhaps it also represents my thirst for knowledge, as I am always looking to learn something new. The Knight of Wands conflicts with the Queen and King of Cups, which confirms my confusion over spirit and emotion. I sometimes tend to get those mixed up within myself.

P5) Queen of Swords - This is a close friend who I talk with daily. She is highly analytical and constantly puts risk analysis over every action and reaction. A good influence in my life, but can become over bearing at times.

P6) Knight of Cups - This is my son.

P7) King of Wands - I truly don't have anyone in particular come to mind. Perhaps it is a new male friend I am becoming acquainted with.

P8) Page of Cups - This is my daughter.

All the influences appear positive and/or neutral.

Comparison -

Page of Swords to King of Wands - I do long for a spiritual connection with someone. This may be it.

Knight of Wands to Queen of Swords - My friend is a bit older than me. I talk of spirit most often while she is more wrapped in ideas and analysis.

Queen of Cups to Page of Cups - Mother to daughter, daughter to mother. It's a clear, strong, positive connection.

King of Cups to Knight of Cups - Mother to son, son to mother. It's a clear, strong, difficult connection.

:) Please share your thoughts :)