Emperor and High priestess as feelings?


I'm interested in how you would interpret these two cards read together as feelings about a person? Two cards read together both describing feelings of A about B?

I immediately thought of boundaries, depth of feeling with some rigid rules around them. Kind of like deep caring or protective feelings, intuitive connection, hidden beneath a rigid or protective exterior?

What do you think they mean together in the context of feelings. They seem contradictory to me can't blend meanings here.


I'm having a myriad of thoughts, so hopefully these will give you some ideas if nothing else!

1. Someone who is trying to force an emotional bond. The High Priestess reveals information at just the right moment, whereas the Emperor likes order and structure and everything to be in its 'right' place. So I think that there's like an inkling of intuitive understanding there, but they're trying to force more of it to come out sooner than it can.

2. Someone is trying very desperately to keep their cool, hold back and remain calm. It seems to mean 'playing it cool', not rising to something, trying to be blase. Possibly also playing hard to get? The Emperor is a very fiery card - it's associated with Aries - so it could be someone who's feeling quite energised, angry, passionate, and likes to be in charge. So maybe they're trying to hold back from coming on too strong or being too forward.

3. I've read before that The High Priestess is like someone's 'dream partner', so maybe this person feels as though you are 'ideal', really likes you, but is trying not to come on too strong.


I'm having a myriad of thoughts, so hopefully these will give you some ideas if nothing else!

1. Someone who is trying to force an emotional bond. The High Priestess reveals information at just the right moment, whereas the Emperor likes order and structure

2. Someone is trying very desperately to keep their cool, hold back and remain calm. It seems to mean 'playing it cool', not rising to something, trying to be blase.

3. I've read before that The High Priestess is like someone's 'dream partner'
Forcing an emotional bond, I just love when I learn something! Wouldn't have thought of that. I also think angry, likes to be in charge and passionate make sense with these two cards. Holding back makes A LOT of sense and applies to both cards I think. I don't know about a dream partner, would that be a feeling? I just can't read how the two cards work as energies without personifying them into a man and a woman... That doesn't work for feelings.

I appreciate your interpretations. They make so much sense.


Yeah, I often get The Emperor for people in my life who are quite controlling or want to exert power over me.

I guess, with it being the High Priestess, the 'ideal partner' thing might be an intuitive thing - like they could be feeling that you are ideal for them, that you'd compliment them in a good way. I think this 'dream partner' thing about the HP comes from the fact that she represents dreams and the subconscious, so it might be a completely intuitive/subconscious thing that they may not even realise themselves. For me it really feels like the Emperor represents this person and the HP is what's going on inside them that even they themsleves may not realise.


Yeah, I often get The Emperor for people in my life who are quite controlling... For me it really feels like the Emperor represents this person and the HP is what's going on inside them that even they themsleves may not realise.
that interplay between cards makes so much sense. Thank you! This meaning resonates with me about these two cards; thank you for explaining how you intuitively "got there" it helps me develop that recognition of the interplay between the cards myself. Perfectly fits.