Enochian in Tarot


A thought last night, it might also be interesting to look at the Via Tarot http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/via/

Its based on the Thoth, but developed by a member of an enochian magial order, based on scrying/visions gained through her enochian workings. The accompanying book doesn't contain much explanation of the cards and features, just some general background information and then the usual "standard diviation meanings" but maybe it would be of interest.



Here is a converted Excel Diagram about The Enochian Watchtowers and the Tarot
It’s oriented on Regadies Writings
Starting my first enochian Studies at the last Weeks
Hope i don’t have make it converted translated correspondences Errors

For a while i used the Air Element Card (without Enochian Background) from the Skrying Tarot without Resultants, search a (for me) more effective Technique, found that by Felicitas D Goodman, she call it and the Book Ecstatic Trance
It’s a Godform, (using without movement, the same as a Yoga-Assana) with shamanistic 210 bbm Bumm-Bumm Music in the Background
My first "Vision" was a Chaos (one big Point was/it’s my failures Understanding of the *theoretic* Basics) between Hermetic/Maya Symbols, Flashing Colours and hideous faces

Now I think, not sure (Crowley’s Liber Aba, Chapter XVII: of Clairvoyance and the Body of Light, confused me a little)
Skrying is more a Technique to “burn” Symbols in the Mind as a (Solo) Technique to get Visions


Thank you for posting that pdf zhark, its very useful! I just received the Enochian Scrying Tarot this week and have been studying it and the Golden Dawn system for Enochian behind it. I'm still working on understanding the system behind the the assignment of the Major Arcana on the watchtowers, as you have illustrated.

Do you understand the pattern, and why they have been put on those specific squares? The minors and courts are clear to me, but I don't see the pattern in the Majors at all.


Hello Simila

Hope i understand your question right and you can follow me (my english is not so good)

The Majors on The Sephirotic Crosses is easy they follow in all Sections + all Watchtowers/Tablet the same (Planets) Pattern

Mercury - Magician
Moon - High Priestess
Venus - Empress
Jupiter - Wheel of Fate
Mars - Blasted Tower
Sun - Sun
Saturn (+ the Element Earth) - The World

The Tarot on Sephirotic Crosses in the Air Section from the Fire Table are:
n - Jupiter - Wheel of Fortune
o - Moon - High Priestess
l - Mars - Blasted Tower
o - Sun - Sun
a - Venus - Empress
G - Mercury - Magician

For the Servient (and Kerubic Squares with the Court-Cards) Squares are this Tarot/Zodiac/Element Pattern interesting
(Regardies write: each servient square has a double attribution, by column and rank)

Yod - Cardinal - Fire - red - Knight
Fire - Aries - Emperor
Water - Cancer- Chariot
Air - Libra -Justice
Earth - Capricorn - Devil

Heh - Fixed - Water - blue - Queen
Fire - Lion - Strengh
Water - Scorpio - Death
Air - Aquarius - Star
Earth - Taurus - Hierophant

Vau - mutable - Air - yellow - Prince
Fire - Sagittarius - Temperance
Water - Pisces - Moon
Air - Gemini - Lovers
Earth - Virgo - Hermit

Heh - Element - Earth - black - Princess
Fire - Judgment
Water - Hanged Man
Air - Fool
Earth (+ Saturn) - Universe

The Air Section from the Fire Tablet are:
(d,o p,a) - Kerubic Squares

O,P m,n - Servient Squares
a,p s,T
s,c i,o
V,a s,G

The Servient Square O follow the Row:
Air from the Kerubic Squares d (Prince of Swords)
and the Rank:
Water from The permutation of YHVH = Fire-Water-Air-Earth

O = Water (Fix) and Air (Aquarius is a Fix Air Sign) = The Tarot Card Star
a = Fire (cardinal) and Air (Libra is cardinal and a Air Sign) = Justice
next example the Letter P right from a:
P = Water (Fix) and Earth (Taurus is Fix and a Earth Sign) - Hierophant
by the Element Tarot Cards its the same, for Example o the last (Element) Letter from the Air Section from the Fire Tablet (s,c i,o - Servient Squares)
O = Earth (Element) and Water = Hanged Man

and so on and so on


Thanks for taking the time to explain that so thouroughly Zhark. Your english is easy to understand, though my brain is struggling with the Enochian :laugh:

But I can see the pattern now, many thanks. If you look down a column you will see Star (Aquarius), Justice (Libra), Fool (Air) and Lovers (Gemini). The three air signs and the air element. The same for the other vertical columns, each one a different element.

Looking horizontally, you see signs of the same quality (e.g. Star/Aquarius, Heirophant/Taurus, Strength/Leo and Death/Scorpio, all the fixed signs). Your chart makes this much clearer. I understand how this relates back to attribution of YHVH, though am not 100% clear on the method behind the rotating changes in the different elemental tables. But the same basic pattern can be observed, which satisfies me for the moment.

The Sephirotic Cross I am a little less confortable with. I can see that they are all the same on each tablet, as you pointed out. And that they are basically all the cards that are not a Sign or Element, i.e. these are the planets (excluding Saturn, as The World card is already used for its Earth attribution). Why they have gone on each square is unclear though. some are very sensible, e.g. Towers/Mars on Geburah with the other 5's, Sun/Sun on Tipareth with the other 6's. The others I do not understand why they are there, but at least can see that they are in a repeated pattern.

You have given me a lot to think about. :)


similia said:
Thanks for taking the time to explain that so thouroughly Zhark. Your english is easy to understand, though my brain is struggling with the Enochian :laugh:
Ahhh *smile* that is nice to read, thanks
and yes, brain hiccups, but is helpful for me to write about enochian

similia said:
But I can see the pattern now, many thanks. If you look down a column you will see Star (Aquarius), Justice (Libra), Fool (Air) and Lovers (Gemini). The three air signs and the air element. The same for the other vertical columns, each one a different element.

Looking horizontally, you see signs of the same quality (e.g. Star/Aquarius, Heirophant/Taurus, Strength/Leo and Death/Scorpio, all the fixed signs). Your chart makes this much clearer. I understand how this relates back to attribution of YHVH
You got it.

similia said:
though am not 100% clear on the method behind the rotating changes in the different elemental tables. But the same basic pattern can be observed, which satisfies me for the moment.
My thinking about the method behind the rotating changes is:
The Golden Dawn use two 4-Element Schematics

Nr 1:
The elements vibrate between the Cardinal points for they have not an unchangeable abode therein,
though they are allotted to the Four Quarters in their invocation in the Ceremonies of the First
Order. This attribution is derived from the nature of the winds. For the Easterly wind is of the
Nature of Air more especially. The South Wind bringeth into action the nature of Fire. West
winds bring with them moisture and rain. North winds are cold and dry like Earth. The S.W.
wind is violent and explosive -- the mingling of the contrary elements of Fire and Water. The
N.W. and S.W. winds are more harmonious, uniting the influence of the two active and passive
Nr 2:
Yet their natural position in the Zodiac is: Fire in the East, Earth in South, Air in West,
and Water in the North. Therefore they vibrate: Air between West and East. Fire between East
and South. Water between North and West. Earth between South and North. Spirit also vibrateth
between the Height and Depth
(from Regardie Israel - Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic - THE RITUAL OF THE PENTAGRAM)

The arrangement of the Enochian Element Tables follow (Nr 1) the Nature of Air (1 Air 2 Water 3 Fire 4 Earth)
and begins with Letter h (5 Wands *Reglus in Lion*) on the Great Cross on the Air Tablet

One Gate in/to the Enochian Tables is the 5 Pillar Tree of Life:

It is demonstrated in the book called "T" that when the 10 Sephiroth in their
grouping which is called the Tree of Life are projected in a Sphere (Kether coinciding
with the North Pole, Malkuth coinciding with the South Pole, the Pillar of Mildness
with the Axis), then the Pillars of Severity and of Mercy are quadrupled, i .e. there are
5 Pillars instead of 3 Pillars.
(Regardie Israel - Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic - THE BOOK OF THE CONCOURSE OF THE FORCES)

Am not clear with the astrological System but the Human Body assignment to the 5 Pillar is easy
4 * Tiphareth - Heart
2 * Chesed - left shoulder
2 * Geburah - right Shoulder
1 Heart - 4 Sephiroth
2 Shoulders - 4 Sephiroth, 2 for one Shoulder
1 Ear - 2 Sephiroth and so on

The YHVH/4 Elements on Sephirotic Crosses
Regardie write:
The Sephirotic Crosses represent the Sephiroth modified by the letter of the
lesser angle. Thus they will be Kether of Vau in the airy lesser angle, of Heh in the
watery, and so on. The attributions of these Crosses otherwise are constant in all
angles of all tablets

I think Regardie mean every Sephiroc Cross has only one Element (it comes from YHVH)
The Sephiroth Cross in the Air Section on the Fire Tablet has 10 Air Signs (one for one Letter), in the Water Section 10 Water Signs and so on
The same (as in the Fire Tablet) are on the Water, Air, and Earth Tablet
Air Section 10 Air Signs and so on and so on

The Kerubic Squares
Regardie write:
(a) The outside square is always attributed to the letter corresponding to
the element of the lesser angle. Thus in the four airy lesser angles the left hand square
is attributed to Vau, in the four watery the right hand square always to Heh; in the
four earthy the left-hand square always to Heh (final); in the four fiery the right
hand square always to Yod.

This confused me long time, i don?t found the Element-Start-Points from the on the Tablets
Air Tablet:
Nr 1 - up-Left r = Air (Air Section)
Nr 2 - up-right a = Water (Water Section)
Nr 3 - down-left+6up t = Earth (Earth Section)
Nr 4 - down-right+6up d = Fire (Fire Section)
Same Start points (as on Air Tablet) with the same Readingsequenz (Air,Water,Earth,Fire) on the Water (Letters: T m M X)
Earth (b a O t) and the Fire Tablet (d a p a)

Regardie write:
(b) In the Tablets of Air and Water the Name reads right to left in the two
Upper quarters, left to right

The Sequenz of YHVH (Fire Water Air Earth) in the Kerubic Squares (Water+Air) on the Air Tablet from right to left are:
The Air Tablet:

Start point 1
Nr 1 - up-right a = Water (Water Section)
NR 2 - p = Air (Water Section)
Nr 3 - t = Earth (Water Section)
Nr 4 - y = Fire (Water Section)

Start point 2
Nr 1 - up-Left r = Air (Air Section)
Nr 2 - a = Earth (the last Letter, right Side in the Kerubic Square on the Air Section)
Nr 3 - l = Fire (Air Section)
Nr 4 - Z = Water (Air Section)

Start point 3
Nr 1 - down-Left t = Earth (Earth Section)
Nr 2 - N = Fire
Nr 3 - b = Water
Nr 4 - r = Air

Start point 4
Nr 1 - down-right d = Fire (Fire Section)
Nr 2 - x = Water (the first Letter, left Side on Fire Section)
Nr 3 - g = Air
Nr 4 - s = Earth

Same Element Sequenz on Water Tablet

on Earth and Fire Tablet write Regardie:
in the two lower. In the Tablets of Earth and Fire, it reads
left to right in the two upper quarters, right to left in the two lower

The Earth Tablet:
Startpoint 1
Nr 1 - up-left b = Air (Air Section)
Nr 2 - O = Earth
and so on

The Servient squares.

Regardie Write:
These, it will be remembered, are in four vertical columns of four squares, or
four horizontal ranks of four squares. To avoid confusion the word "column" will be
used to denote vertical, and the word "rank" to denote horizontal rows invariably.
The four columns follow the order of the four Kerubic squares always. The four
squares under Heh are also attributed to Heh and so forth. The four ranks are also
dependent on the four Kerubic squares, and whatever order these are in, right to left is
the order of the servient ranks downwards. This rule is invariable, and does NOT
depend on whether the Name reads right to left or left to right.

All Tables and all Sections (on a Table) have the same Startpoint

Air Tablet:
Nr 1 - s = Earth (the last Letter, right Side in the Servient Square on the Air Section)
why Earth? it comes from the same last Letter on the Kerubic Square a = Earth
n z c (reading from left to right from s (Nr 1) are Earth Too

Nr 2 - t = Fire (one Letter under s (Nr 1)
why Fire? the Sequenz of YHVH = Fire Water Air Earth (same as in the Kerubic Squares) goes down on the Servient squares:
Nr 3 - s (one under Letter t) = Water
Nr 4 - d = Air

and so on and so on

A very Helpful Program about this is Visual Enochian
you can see there the Pyramids of the Squares with the Elemtcolours
The Enochian Tables are not easy to understand, but after understanding, now I think, many of Enochian go with a simple and Mnemotechnic 4*4 Elements (in Scion s excellent. Liber T Guide are more about Mnemotechnic, it open my eyes *thanks !!*)

similia said:
The Sephirotic Cross I am a little less comfortable with. I can see that they are all the same on each tablet, as you pointed out. And that they are basically all the cards that are not a Sign or Element, i.e. these are the planets (excluding Saturn, as The World card is already used for its Earth attribution). Why they have gone on each square is unclear though. some are very sensible, e.g. Towers/Mars on Geburah with the other 5's, Sun/Sun on Tipareth with the other 6's. The others I do not understand why they are there, but at least can see that they are in a repeated pattern.
Similar, same questions in my Head, i dont understand this


Thanks Zhark, I have downloaded that program and will try and use it. It looks like it will be helpful. I would like to respond in more detail to your wonderful post, and ask some more questions, but will have to study it further before I do.

I noticed one thing on your chart, which seems a glitch in the pattern. Perhaps it is a translation error, so I will point it out. Or it may be intended also and I must rethink my understanding!

On the water watchtower, you have
MPH (the first god name on the horizontal line) showing:
M (5 cups) P (6 cups) H (7 swords).

From the other tablets, it seems to me that should be "H (7 cups)". Is this correct?


similia said:
From the other tablets, it seems to me that should be "H (7 cups)". Is this correct?
Thank you for give me response :)
Yes 7 cups its correct, my writings are false
similia (older Post) said:
The Sephirotic Cross I am a little less comfortable with. I can see that they are all the same on each tablet, as you pointed out. And that they are basically all the cards that are not a Sign or Element, i.e. these are the planets (excluding Saturn, as The World card is already used for its Earth attribution). Why they have gone on each square is unclear though. some are very sensible, e.g. Towers/Mars on Geburah with the other 5's, Sun/Sun on Tipareth with the other 6's. The others I do not understand why they are there, but at least can see that they are in a repeated pattern.?

Benjam Rowe write about it (Problems with the Golden Dawn System) in Godzilla Meets E.T.
it looks like interessant and logical, but in the moment to advanced for my woblly universe, dont want make a step out from the G.D Paradigma, heavy enough to make a step in.
Mostly brakes me in moment the part of Egyptian Gods in the Enochian G.D Universe, know so good as nothing about the Egyptian Mythologie


Thank you for that link zhark, there are some really excellent articles there :thumbsup: I have read only the Godzilla vz ET one you referenced completely, and it was very interesting. It gives a good introduction to the structure of enochian as well as the various attributions and how they came about, as well as how they function in practice which is especially useful to read. I think it would be very usful to people trying to understand the system as beginners also, if they don't want to purchase books like those already discussed.

I'm looking forward to going through the others!


The Golden Dawn Enochian Skrying Tarot

I recently purchased the deck set it consist of 89 cards and a book of about 500 pages. It is nothing like a regular deck the cards have 2 sides Eastern and Western Magical traditions....As for me it is rather confusing.....