Faeries Circle #7 - Namaste & Ncefafn


Hi, Namaste. This is our next assignment from TA:

What Fae do you need to draw upon to facilitate the healing process of your chakra reading from Circle #6?

I'll draw yours sometime today. :)



Hi, Namaste. I coaxed the Fae out of their blanket that I crocheted for them, to ask them this question for you:

What Fae do you need to draw upon to facilitate the healing process of your chakra reading from Circle #6?

And the Master Maker appeared. He stands in the position of the ancient Druid mages, balanced on one foot, the other leg bent at the knee with its foot pointing toward the ground; one hand holds a wand and the other hand points toward the ground, where he's directing his energy. But he's not standing on the ground. He's standing on the head of a horned fey with almond eyes and lips slightly parted. Does he draw inspiration from her or give inspiration to her? Perhaps it is a mutual exchange. His foot rests on her third eye chakra. Aha! Your intuition is a source of great creativity and power. Draw upon that intuition, cultivate it, nurture it, and then direct it towards your goals. When you have integrated your ability to listen to and communicate what your intuition tells you, power and healing will flow through you like an electrical current. You can be the Master Maker if you will only recognize and honor your intuitive powers. Trust your intuition, balance yourself on it, find your equilibrium there.

The Master Maker also wanted me to remind you that his number, 22, is a master number. It is the number of the eternal cycle of creation, destruction and re-creation. Nothing, he says, is ever really destroyed. Nothing ever really dies. Everything journeys from life to death and back again, so there is really nothing to fear. When you have mastered this lesson, you will know true liberation.

I asked him if you needed to know anything else, and my eyes were drawn to the horned fey. She is sibyl-like. She stares, but she doesn't speak. Her message can only be delivered directly from her to you. She is calling you to commune with her directly. Seek her out, guided by the glow from the Master Maker's wand.

Out of the darkness endlessly churning, there is a stillness that is eternal.

I hope that I have adequately translated the Faeries' message for you. If not, it is my failing, not theirs.




I love the Master Maker! Kim I love how you have tapped into the third eye for namaste :)

I look forward to reading the rest of your thread as it unfolds.