Faery Wicca - The Druid 1


Draoi Gebann - The Druid

This card definitely goes hand in hand with The Magician in your more typical tarot decks....some of the majors in this deck do and some don't..

The Druid is standing out under a full moon surrounded by old trees without leaves. His table appears to be a small standing stone. He is holding a shield with a pentacle on it, he is holding out his wand to the sky, there is a sword sticking blade down into a cup on the ground next to him.

Knowledge, power, bringing change. The books says: "Use your powers wisely, for the Ancient Ones, not for personal satisfaction.


Yes, he is very Magician like, isn't he. The only thing I would really add is that he seems to be standing between two trees in the same way that the High Priestess stands between the two pillars. It seems to be indicating that the energy in the Druid is a more raw, nature based energy than the energy in the High Priestess.