Fenestra Tarot - King of Pentacles


the King of Pentacles is very 'manly' in a frequently androgenous deck. He has longish, waved dark hair, and a natty little beard and mustache. Despite this he is sensous looking - his patterned shirt is open, showing his chest, and he has a full, wide mouth. He is wearing a gold wedding ring and a three pointed golden crown. He wears a shoulder pauldron on his left shoulder, and a red drape over his right.

Behind him stands a large, black bull with curved horns.

The pentacle is particularly visible - the king appears to be presenting it on a table. His left arm is wrapped around it, although most of his lower hand and arm are invisible.

I'm not sure of the mythological connection but think it might be King Minos, who had various different connections to bulls and of course, was the grandfather of the Minotaur, which he had to have imprisoned in a maze. The bull may simply reporesent control over a situtation, although it's rather confusing me at present.

The king seems to know what he is about here. He has his hand on the pentacle and he's leaning backwards in a plush red chair as if he is negotiating something. He looks sure of his situation, and is surrounded by tokens of leadership that show that he has earned his place - taming the bull, a marriage which he is happy to display - the joint signs of leadership in politics (the red cloak) and warfare (the shoulder guard). He seems measured and knows when, and when not to use these objects.

He is also, I think, getting down to business. If this business is simply negotiating or arranging, all well and good. this king has the confidence not to charge in but to take a steady approach as he works out a good deal.

He's also quite ostentatious (is he showing off his mastery of the bull perhaps? - you can see this bull is really bugging me!); but he also wears ornate clothing and rich drapes. His shoulder guard is gold - a bit useless if he really was gonig to get into a fight!


He sits with his crown on his head, probably on his throne, although we can't see that, with a symbol of his purpose in life in front of him. Making money. he looks to me like one of the 'wizz kid' businessmen that are around nowadays.....Richard Branson would be a good role model for the King. There is no worry on his face, just pondering...with such thoughts as..."how much will this deal make me"...." I can invest and make a killing on that".

The bull I feel is symbolic. It represents the strength of the King....his determination...his charging straight into anything that he thinks he can make a go of.

Ang x


Ah yes - and 'taking the bull by the horns' to get something done!


Exactly......going for it, and not being afraid, having the confidence and the knowledge to succeed...:)

Ang x