Fenestra Tarot - Ten of Cups


A couple with very similar facial features stand arm in arm at the front of the card. Each wears more formal clothes in the different colours of the elements. The woman's right arm is raised in a wave, and the man's left arm is lowered towards the ground; so together the two mirror the position of the magician's raised/lowered arms.

Behind them is a field of red and gold, and behind that green. sloping countryside and a large villa.

I like this card because it has a more general meaning than simply 'family as happiness'. In this deck, the couple are looking out of the card to the left and htey appear to be looking at someone or someones; perhaps waving to them in greeting or farewell. Perhaps this is to a family, perhaps to friends or people they are close to. The unity of the two in the card however, is very much of a romantic couple, and the house is clearly theirs, perhaps prefaced by a field of golden corn (or bright light upon a river). It makes me think they have been entertaining good friends for the weekend, and are now bidding them goodbye. Their house is happy with or without other people, who are always welcome within it.


The attainment of peace and harmony long sought after in some union or bond or partnership…

Reversed: The sought after peace and harmony in some union or bond failed to take place and will need further work in order to be achieved.
