Founditions, goals and Strongest Influence?


Last night I did a spread on this guy that I like, and for his foundition card he got the emperor and for his goals he got the 9 of Rods and for his strongest influence was the Page of Rods, what does this all mean....I tried to figure it out but I can't can anyone plz help?


my two cents ...

They actually all tie in together, but I don't know what the reading was for - so this is off the top of my head -

If his foundation is the Emperor it means he will methodically move through life weighing the possibilities and probabilities before making a decision that might affect others. He will always look out for the welfare of the many; he will try to be as just and even-handed as he can.

His Goals are the Nine of Rods(wands) - his goal is to look out for the problems and protection of others, even at the expense of creating a problem for himself - especially if the good of the many is what is necessary. {Is this guy a counsellor of some type, or running for office?}

His influence is the Page of Rods(Wands). This Page brings news/messages of importance. If the Emperor deals in decision-making, then the Page of Rods is very important to him indeed. It also signifies the Emperor does not make rash or knee-jerk decisions based on mere hearsay or unconfirmed facts.

In my mind they go together well ... what was the question?


Hey thanks that sounds about right cuz you see a few months ago I asked him out and it was pretty rash that I did that and he kinda freaked out (since he never had a girlfriend)and said no so after that well I know he has been thinking about me so I guess the reading does match cuz his friends hate me and have been trying to push him away from me but in my heart I know he likes me (his really shy) so I guess the emperor card means that he is wondering what will happen if he goes out with me what will happen to him and his friends or something lol so I guess he is trying to figure EVERY little thing that could go wrong or something.... Cuz the spread I did was about me and him I understand my part but his just threw me out of wack so ya if anyone can help me with this I would be so happy thanks btw if this helps his star sign is a Gemini and his 17 lol.