Free shareware-French tarot and oracles


I won for 19.00 plus shipping the Yumi Tarot, actually a 45 card oracle with one of my hobby-inspirations, fanciful costumes. I'm hoping it will combine well with my Alan Tarot for fanciful art deco style designs...

Anyway, this tarot-oracle and others are available in French at this might want to browse it first in French, then enter a search term in google such as Le Tarot Yumi and then when the website address comes up, hit the translate option.

But if you have security concerns and filters, you may not be able to get the oracles to work...I liked the pictures, though.


Cerulean Mari


Of course, another one seemingly NOT available for those of us who prefer to use an Apple computer...

On a different note, it may be interesting for those who do not read French to see what is probably a particular view of the Waite/Colman Smith deck in some quarters, viz.:
  • 'Le "Rider Tarot" ou tarot de Waite nous propose des images plus "élaborées", plus artistiques, mais moins symboliques que le tarot de marseille. Il accepte également le fait d'inverser les cartes et l'on utilise plus facilement les arcanes mineurs dans les systèmes de divination associés.

    Moins "ésotérique", il est bien adapté aux prédictions dans le monde matériel.'
This translates - as an on-the-run translation, to:
  • 'The "Rider Tarot" or Waite tarot give us images more elaborated (expanded), and more artistic, but less symbolic than the Marseille Tarot. It allows equally the fact of reversing cards and we may use with more ease its minor arcana for purposes of intuitive/mental association divinatory readings.

    As a less "esoteric" deck, it is well adapted for predictions in the material world.