Full Moon in Aries


I apologise for the late arrival of this lunation - I think it was hiding behind Saturn :)

The Full Moon occured at 16 degrees 35 mins Aries yesterday at 08:30 BST.

The element balance at the time of the Full Moon was Air, Water, Fire about equal and only Jupiter in an Earth sign.

The Full Moon formed a T Square with Saturn at its apex, in the Moon's own sign of Cancer. Saturn is not strongly placed in Cancer, indeed it is one of the signs of its detriment, but a Cardinal T Square does suggest quite a bit of dynamism. They are usually linked to questions of identity, as appropriately it is Cancer at the apex, this suggests a month when emotional identity is to the fore.

For Chiron fans, it is worth pointing out that Chiron forms a Grand Cross in Cardinal signs with the Full Moon and Saturn and that would intensify the idea that an identity crisis of some kind is underway. I would tend to read this more in a mundane way - relating to society, nations or countries, rather than suggest that we are all going to have an identity crisis over the next week or two! It also suggests that conflict resolution will be prominent as we try, at a mundane level, to redifine our commitments and begin to rebuild.

The Full Moon also aspected Pluto in Sagittarius, by sextile from the Sun and by Trine from the Moon adding a touch of Power and intensity to the Full Moon.

At the time of the Full Moon Venus had just entered Scorpio, again not a strong placement for Venus, however she trined Scorpio's ruler, Mars, in Pisces and also has an out of sign trine to Uranus, retrograde in Aquarius.

Mercury is in Libra and still plays the role of the Morning Star. It is moving towards a superior conjunction with the Sun (its on the other side of the Sun to Earth) and should be in orb by the next lunation. Mercury's only major aspect is a trine to Neptune in Aquarius.

Mars turned direct just after the New Moon and will now move away from the conjunction with Uranus that has been part of the Astrological scene over the last two or three months. As Uranus is still retrograde and has now moved back into Aquarius, the strength of this conjunction is now much weaker even though the two are only a couple of degrees apart. Mars is also in a weak opposition to Jupiter, though this will grow stronger over the next month or so and no doubt will feature in forthcoming lunation reports.

Finally, I shall be on holiday at the time of the next New Moon (appropriately starting a new journey). So Isthmus will produce the next lunation report for the Scorpio New Moon and hopefully one or two more lunation reports in the run up to Christmas.

I think it's time to get a different slant and fresh view on the lunations, so I wish Isthmus the best of luck with her first reading.

isthmus nekoi

Thanks Minderwiz :) I shall try my best to post as many as I can!


You'll do fine

you'll be fine. you did a great job in my reading on the new moon and it seems to have carried over to the full moon.

i'm a triple cancer so anything that happens there affects me and yes, i'm going through some kind of identity crisis. and it's probably related to the relationship i posted about at the new moon.

good luck minderwiz with your travels. i understand you're going to be very busy through the holidays as well. i've passed my midterm practical for massage therapy 3 or event/sports massage. the written is next week...this is definitely my path!

blessed be!