Gem/Chakra Meaning Charts


Gem/Chakra/pendulum Meaning Charts

if you look below the first post you will find a post for information and history on each stone listed :)Below is a directory on the thread that will tell you where to look for all your informational needs on Stones,chakra's,and pendulums.Enjoy and i will be updating this thread daily!
page 1:Stone list,Birthday calculator,Birthstone chart,Chakra chart
page 2:Stone meanings and history's
page 3:Stone meanings and history's
page 4:Stone meanings and history's,Cleansing and charging your stone,Pendulum usage and chart.
page 5:Stone list (updated)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~chakra healing stones~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

stomach upsets < head aches,blood,breathing

stamina < depression

liver,throat, <nearsightedness

energy,appetite < depression,digestive problems

healing a wound <amplifies the power of healing stones

balancer of energy <eye,heart,andback problem
respiratory,energy <pineal gland,internal hormone cycle

blood,energy,circulation <stomach,spleen and kidney,

circulatory,cramps,and asthma < arthritis,rheumatism

muscle cramps,detoxification < liver and kidney cleansing

activates metabolism, <stimulates bloodstream
aids nervous exaustion

circulation,blood pressure < sexual energy and stamina
kidneys,reproductive organs

respiratory,ulcers,joint problems <thyroid,spleen

increases oxygen supply to the body <kidneys,nervous system

balances all your vibrations <purifies and cleanses

balances all your vibrations < eyes,stomach,bladder

a power love stone <energy,sexual,adrenal,glands

calms nerves,releases stress, <pain,tension,energy
knotted muscles blocks

gall bladder,liver < energy,hip and back problems

heals wounds,heart,circulation,fertility < for youthful skin,blood,circulation,
sexual problems

alleviates pain,cramps,back problems < thyroid,throat,blood pressure

pain,nerves,adrenal gland < intestines,

rheumatism,stomach,viral infections,anti < kidney's ,stomach,menstrual
inflammatory menstrual cramps

calming < burn recovery,throat infections
cramp relief

stress <aids detoxification

Month Modern Birthstone chart
Have you ever wondered what your true birth stones were? Well here they are! Look for the month of your birthday below :)

January <3 =garnet
February<3 =amethyst
March<3 =aquamarine
April<3 =diamond
May<3 =emerald
June<3 =pearl , moonstone
July<3 =ruby
August<3 =peridot
September<3 =sapphire
October<3 =opal , tourmaline
November<3 =topaz , citrine
December<3 =turquoise , blue topaz, zircon

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<3Chakra chart<3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Here is a list of all the charkra points in your body! This is a must need to know subject if you would like to use your stones and crystals in the proper way.I will be starting with the higher crown and working down to the ground.

1.Higher crown =lay down and set stone 2 Inches from head.
2.Crown =lay down and set stone on top of head.
3.Brow (Third eye) =Place stone in between eyebrows , above on forehead
4.Throat =Place stone under neck
5.Higher heart =Lay down, place stone inbetween your 2 colar bones
6.Heart =Lay down and place in middle of chest
7.Solar plexus =Place stone inbetween your 2 ribs at bottom of them.
8.Sacral =Place on you bone below stomach.
9.Base =Place at the bottom of bone below stomach
10.Earth =Place below and touching feet
11.Higher earth =Place 2 inches away from feet( not touching )

These are your 11 chakra points starting from your higher crown all the way down to your higher earth chakra.Take this chart and copy it down on a note book so you have it. It is much easier to remember if you are a beginner.Now below this i will list which stones you should use for your chakra position.

1.Chakra(Higher crown)=Labradorite,Clear quartz(used for reaching enlightenment, and,opening spritual communication)
2.Chakra(Crown)=Amythest(used for opening intuition.)
3.Chakra(brow)Third eye=Sodalite(used for attuning)
4.Chakra(Throat)=Blue Lace Agate(used for opening communication)
5.Chakra(Higher Heart)=Rose Quartz(used for Uncondtitional Love)
6.Chakra(heart)=Green Aventurine(used for Healing Emotional Distress)
7.Chakra(Solar Plexus)=Yellow Jasper(used for Nurturing)
8.Chakra(Sacral)=Orange Carnelian(used for Creating)
9.Chakra(base)=Red Jasper(used for energizing)
10.Chakra(Earth)=Smokey Quartz(used for grounding and protection)
11.Chakra(Higher Earth)=Bloodstone(used for cleansing and stabilizing)


1.Turquoise History

if you own a (turquoise stone),it is blue. Which is of a high value as the stones tend to turn green and yellow through time, because of dehydration or aka (lack of water). Make sure to put your turqoise in a glass of water and let it soak for about an hour.This way it will stay fesh and bright blue. It is used in ancient egyptian, persian and native american jewelry.There are many different types of turquoise of which come from different places of the world.All of them come from the mines,but what you did not know was that 2 of the same piece do not exist. Each and every turquoise piece in the world is a different piece!Turquoise forms over millions of years when water moves through the earth, leaving deposits between other minerals. Turquoise stones often contains these other minerals inside them. The turquoise and other minerals "dance" together in the stone, creating a pattern that is one of a kind.
*IMITATION or "BLOCK" turquoise*This is not a treatment or form of genuine turquoise, but rather another substance that "pretends" to be turquoise. It is fake turquoise. Substances can include plastic, ceramic, other dyed reconstituted rocks, dyed resinous materials.You can tell the difference between plastics and resins and real turquoise by holding them in your hand for about 7 minutes. The plastic will get warm while the turquoise will not.
Another way to fake turquoise is to(*IMPREGNATED or "STABILIZE" turquoise) Naturally porous turquoise is sometimes treated by the absorption Of resins, epoxies, parafin wax or plastics. This improves its texture and durability. You can tell if a gemstone has been treated this way by poking it with a hot needle. If it smells like plastic, you know it has been treated in this way. You can also tell by scratching it with a knife: treated turquoise has a hardness more like that of plastic, and therefore will scratch, whereas natural turquoise is harder and will not scratch under the knife.80% of turquoise has been treated to improve either its color or durability,which makes turquoise harder to find.
Chakra: Throat
Mining locations/Type of gems
Nevada=blue gem
China=china mountain
New Mexico=cerillos
Arizona= turquoise mountain, brisbee


2.Amethyst history

History 101

Amethyst is the purple or violet variety of quartz.The color purple is traditionally the color of royalty and amethyst has been used since the dawn of history to adorn monarchs and rulers.The name amethyst comes from the Greek “a-µe-stos” which means “not drunk”. This may have come from a belief that amethyst would ward off the effects of alcohol; more likely the Greeks were referring to the red wine color of some stones. In Greek mythology, Dionysus, the god of intoxication, and wine, was pursuing a maiden named Amethystos, who refused his affections, and was transformed into a white stone. Dionysus poured wine over the stone as an offering, dyeing the crystals takes up to several hundred parts per million iron to make amthest , through millions of year in the earths ground.The intensity and color of the amethyst depends on how much iron is in the quartz crystal, and exactly where it is located in the atomic structure of the quartz. If heated, amethyst turns orange, yellow, or brown. Heat treated amethyst is frequently sold as citrine.
Later, Roman emperors had goblets made from amethyst in the belief that the cup would counteract any poison as well as keeping them from getting drunk. The ancients thought amethyst to be a different mineral from quartz. Some thought quartz was water that had been frozen so hard that it would never melt! The Bible mentions amethyst as one of the twelve stones in the breastplate of the High Priest and thus represented one of the 12 tribes of Israel. Medieval European soldiers wore amethyst amulets as protection in battle, and to keep them cool-headed. Amethyst is the birthstone for those born in the month of February.Make sure to keep amythest away from the sun ,as it will make the stone loose its color.These are 2 of many stones that do not like sunlight.Amythest and Citrine.
chakra: crown
Mining locations

1.Vera Cruz, Mexico
2.Guerrero, Mexico
3.Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Brazil
4.Thunder Bay, Canada
6.Maine, USA
7.Ural Mountains, Russia


3. Rose quarts history

Rose quartz is the pink variety of quartz, a cousin of amethyst and citrine. Unlike her sisters, rose quartz is rarely transparent,When occurring in masses, this pink color is thought to be caused by impurities such as titanium, iron or manganese, although more recent study has shown through X-ray diffraction that the color may be due to thin microscopic fibers such as that which comprises Dumortierite. When in its rarer crystal form, its color is thought to be due to traces of phosphate or aluminum. Rose Quartz normally occurs found in the cores of large pegmatites (a coarse-grained Granite).the first Rose quartz was found near Rumford, Maine.It has been known as an official state mineral as of 1966.Over time, Rose Quartz crystals are prone to fading and are best kept away from prolonged sunlight. They are also prone to crack or chip rather easily and should be handled with care.Throughout history, Rose Quartz has been a symbol for love and beauty. Today it is known as the "Stone of Gentle Love" or the "Stone of Unconditional Love".
Rose Quartz jewelry was known to be crafted by the Assyrians during the time span of 800-600 BC, and it is believed that the Assyrians along with the Romans were first to use this stone. The Romans used it for making seals as a sign of ownership. They also considered it a strong healing stone. Egyptians believed the pink stone prevented aging. Rose quartz is very fragile!The molecules inside this stone make is very breakable and crackable.If you have a rose quartz ,make sure to handle it with care,so it does not crack.I also do not recommend putting this stone in the sun for fear of discoloration.
Chakra(s): Heart to Crown
Element all elements
Mining locations

1.Minas Gerais, Brazil
4.South Dakota
8.New York


4. Sodalite history


The name Sodalite reflects this mineral's Sodium content and was named by a Glasgow chemist, Professor Thomas Thomson, who had been hired by the British to identify the stone after they had captured a shipment of it being sent from Greenland to Denmark during the Napoleonic Wars. Although first discovered and recorded in 1806 in Greenland, it took until 1891 for this attractive deep blue stone to become important in the world of ornamental stones.It was then that it was found in vast deposits in Ontario, Canada, by Frank D. Adams, during the Geological Survey of Canada.Sodalite is a beautiful deep royal blue color and usually contains white or grayish colored inclusions of Calcite.It has been likened to Lapis Lazuli and Lazurite.Sodalite is a slightly different color blue and rarely contains the Pyrite that is common in Lapis, making it easier to tell them apart.Another way to differentiate between the two stones is through the streak test,Where Lapis will streak blue, Sodalite will streak white.While most often blue, Sodalite can also be found in gray, green, yellow or pink.An unusual variety of Sodalite, called Hackmanite, when first quarried is a violet to red color that will gradually fade in sunlight to a white or green. This is called tenebrescence.

Tenebrescence is a reversible photochromism, meaning the mineral exhibits the ability to turn a different color when exposed to the Sun and may be brought back to its original color when kept in the dark - behaving similarly to the self-adjusting sunglass lens that darkens in sunlight.Hackmanite will return to its violet or red color if placed in the dark for a period of time. The most notable occurrence of Hackmanite is in Greenland which produces a green variety nicknamed "Chameleon Sodalite".Typically occurring in massive or granular form, Sodalite is found in veins in dry plutonic igneous rocks such as nepheline syenites pegmatites, phonolites,or related rock types. Isometric Sodalite structures rarely produce crystals.

Sodalite has been labeled the "Stone of Truth", as it is said to make one speak the truth. Sodalite,like Lapis Lazuli, has also been called the "Wisdom Stone" as it is believed to foster wisdom, knowledge and communication.Sodalite is often used by athletes, as the stone is said to aid and prolong physical endurance.It is also said that it awakens the Third Eye, allowing for greater acknowledgement and usefulness of one's own intuition.Known for enhancing communication skills, Sodalite is also an excellent stone for healing rifts in relationships, solving dilemmas and ending arguments, making it well-suited for mediators by creating a wider perspective.The stone is said to promote trust, and is excellent for the use of meditation as well.
Element:Air and Water
Chakra :Throat and Brow

mining locations

2.Sar-e-Sang, Kokcha Valley, Badakshan Province, Afghanistan
3.Ontario Canada
i could not find this information in the regular search as it is only found in 4 places in the whole world.This is off of a scientist gem log, very awesome find for me.Here is the site if you need it for a school or college refrence paper. :) OR is you are just interested to see the statics.


5. Aventurine


Aventurine is a rock-like form of quartz.Its most famous and popular color is green, caused by inclusions (other minerals that grow inside it), Aventurine also occurs in orange, brown, white and grey.The most valuable aventurine is a bright green with sparkly flakey green inclusions visible from within the stone, and Because aventurine is not expensive material, it is not widely imitated. However, lower grade material is enhanced sometimes through dying.It's name derives from the Italian phrase "per aventura" meaning "by chance,".Natural Green Aventurine is made when other minerals form in the Quartzite during high grade metamorphism, which is dependent on what impurities were present in the original Quartz-rich sedimentary deposit. These impurities commonly alter to Mica during the high grade metamorphism.
Yes Mica is the main crystal ingredient of which makes aventurine.When Chromium is present, then the green-colored Muscovite Mica variety called Fuchsite can occur disseminated throughout the Quartzite in parallel orientation.This gives Aventurine its green color and sparkled effect.
Aventurine can be found in other colors than its more common color of green. It may also be orange, blue, gray, yellow or brown.The yellows, oranges and browns are attributed to hematite or goethite inclusions.

Crystal Massive aggregate of interlocking Quartz grains, is how aventurine is formed.Australian tribes use quartz crystals in rainmaking ceremonies. Native American cultures used quartz for arrowheads, knives, divining stones and ornaments. Some West African tribes created ceremonial seats from a single piece of quartz. Finally, early inhabitants of what is now Britain used quartz for their curative powers to purify water and cure sterility.Around 2.5 million years ago in the Omo valley of Ethiopia, some of the earliest primitive stone tools such as axes were made of Quartzites -- Aventurine found among them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chakra :heart
mining locations

9.Madras, India


6. Blood stone/Moldavite history


Bloodstone is also known as Heliotrope. The name Heliotrope is derived from the Greek words meaning "sun" and "turning" because of a notion that when the stone is immersed in water it would turn the sun red.Bloodstone, sometimes called Blood Jasper in the trade, is not quite a jasper but rather a dark green Chalcedony which is a cryptochrystalline variety of Quartz.The red spots are caused by iron oxide and the green color is from chlorite particles or Hornblende needles.Chalcedony occurs in almost any color or combination of colors. Varieties include Agate (colored bands), Moss Agate (milky-white background with dendritic green or brown inclusions), Carnelian (orange to reddish brown), Sard (light to dark brown), Chrysoprase (apple green), Tiger's Eye (banded yellow-brown), Flint or Chert (white, dull gray, or black), Jasper (opaque red), and of course Bloodstone or Heliotrope (green with red flecks).Today, finely powdered Bloodstone is used as an aphrodisiac and medicine in India.

Believed to be a very magickal stone, in ancient times Bloodstone was thought to have the ability to stop hemorrhages by merely touching the stone. Ancient warriors often carried a Bloodstone amulet which was intended to stop the bleeding when applied to a wound.In the Middle Ages, special powers were attributed to Bloodstone because it was believed to have been formed when some drops of Jesus' blood fell and stained some Jasper at the foot of the cross. From that time on, this stone was used in sculptures representing flagellation and martyrdom, leading it to be dubbed "The Martyr's Stone." Believed to have great healing powers, the stones were crushed into powder and mixed with honey and egg whites; a conconction believed to cure tumors and to stop bleeding. Alchemists used Bloodstone to cure blood poisoning as well as draw out the poison from venomous snakebites.

Chakra :root
Mining locations

3.United States
6. Brazil
7. China
8.Czech Republic


is an olive-green or dull greenish vitreous substance possibly formed by a meteorite impact. It is one kind of tektite.Moldavite is a tektite and is the only "extraterrestrial" gemstone, which is found only in the Moldau Valley in Czechoslovakia. Lately there have been other green tektites or imitations that are called "moldavite," but only the Czech moldavite is the "real thing." It is associated with the heart and third eye (brow) chakras, as well as the crown chakra. Moldavite is also associated with the Star card of the Tarot. It strengthens and enhances inner journeys, channeling, cosmic consciousness, crystal consciousness, expansion, contact with interdimensional or extraterrestrial forces. It is a powerful stone, and its energies can at first be intimidating for those that are not aware of its energy, and tends to bring issues to the surface to be transformed, thus making it called "stone of transformation." When wearing moldavite, it is best to be mentally prepared and be properly grounded. Moldavite diminishes contracting or withdrawing energies. Moldavite in any form increases the depth and clarity of inner journeys. Moldavite has been said to raise the vibrational level of both the human race and the Earth. Physically, moldavite works excellently with other crystals and stones to raise the vibrational level of all healing, and also heals hair loss, fertility issues, and promoting new cell growth.

Chakra:Third eye,But is capable of activitatimng all chakra's
mine location
1.Moldau Valley in Czechoslovakia


7. Agate history


Agate is a variety of fine-fibre chalcedony that usually has stratified coloring.According to one of the versions the name of agate arises from the ancient name of Ahates River in Sicily, where in ancient times this mineral was mined.According to another version, the word agate arises from the Greek word Ahates that means haрру.In any case, the word agate in application to mineral was known in the times of Theofrast (the 4th century BC). At the same time you should note that in ancient times Arabs and Persians called all stripped stones as jazz.Such stones were sometimes called owl's eуes. In some agates the 1centimeters wide zone can contain up to 7000 different layers. Such fine structure of the stone can be examined only with the help of microscope.

In the countries of ancient East people highly appreciated so-called mossу agates with patterns that resemble wild forest bush. Agates with treelike broad pattern and inclusions are called dendritic stones (Greek word dendron means tree). The stones with the design that seem to protrude from fog are called frostу agates. Sometimes broad pattern on the stones surface has acute-angled windings. They resemble remotely the plan of the stronghold on the ancient map. Therefore, such stones are called fortress or bastion agates. Depending on different variants of coloring we can make out cloudy, rainbow and plasmic agates. According to ancient popular beliefs, grey or reddish agates could be found in the nests of swallows. The stones with such coloring are called swallowworts. The coloring of agates is so diverse that as far back as in the 18th century Sweden chemist I. Vallerius asserted that it's impossible to describe all varieties of agate. Namely, one cannot classify agates correctly basing on their coloring. Each stone has his unique coloring. The deposits of agates relate with volcanic rocks and are found almost in all countries of the World. Cylindrical stamps from agate existed in ancient Mesopotamia 4000 years BC. Ancient Greek masters cut agate cameos with prominent imprint.The ancient legend says that when Satan was precipitated into Hades he dropped out of his crown an agate that turned into the cup. Joseph Arifeyskiy gathered into this cup the blood of Jesus Christ and therefore he became the founder of Holy Grail order. According to legend, namely this agate cup, which reaches 75 centimeters in diameter is kept in one of the treasure house of Vienna Hofburg .
Mining locations

4.Saudi Arabia


8. Citrine


Citrine is a variety of quartz that ranges in color from very pale yellow, to deep burnt-orange,and was named for the French word for lemon.."citron".but natural Citrine is actually rare. Most of the Citrine found on the market today is simply Amethyst which has been heat treated. (Amethyst will turn yellow when heated at high temperatures between 878 and 1,040ºF, or 470 and 560ºC). Citrines produced by artificial means (heat treated) tend to have more of an orange or reddish tint than those found in nature, which are usually a pale yellow. One exception to this rule is the darker colored natural Citrine called Madeira Citrine, named for its color's resemblance to Madeira wines. Madeira Citrine is generally more valuable than the lighter yellow Citrines. Much of natural Citrine may also have started out as Amethyst but heat from nearby magmatic bodies in the Earth's crust caused the change to Citrine. A popular gemstone on the market today is a mixture of half Amethyst and half Citrine, called Ametrine.Citrine is often confused with orange or yellow Topaz, but Topaz is a totally different mineral of Aluminum silicate fluoride hydroxide.

Citrine was one of the stones used in the breastplate of the High Priest. In ancient times, it was carried as a protection against the plague, skin problems, snake bites, and evil thoughts.Known as "The Merchant's Stone", Citrine is said to bring prosperity when placed in a cash register as if drawing the money there.Since Citrine is reported to hold no negativity, it never requires cleansing or clearing.Citrine is also used to cleanse your stones,as it is said to hold amazing cleansing properties,and should be kept out of the sun light for fear of discoloration.
Chakra:solar plexus
mining locations

4.North Carolina


9. Amazonite history


The legends say that some Scythian women rubbed one of their breasts with the powder made of green stone that delayed the breast's growth. Perhaps, since those times the legends about one-breasted Amazons arise. The decorations of amazonite are frequently found during excavations of Scythian barrows in the places where, according to Herodot, Amazons lived. The ancient Greek legends assert that waistband of Amazons' leader named Ippolita was made out of green stones. Perhaps these were namely Amazons. In any case, according to the evidence of ancient historians, the stone of Amazons' was mined in Rifeyskie Mountains. This is the place where amazonite really exists. Besides, the legends about one-breasted Amazons could be real. According to modern medical data the powder of Amazonite is able to delay the growth of cells.
The name of the stone introduced some kind of confusion. The historians assert that in 1783 R.B. Rome de Lil called several green pebbles brought from the basin of Amazon River as Amazon stones. Later, in 1847 A. Breitgaut offered for the Amazon stone more laconic name - amazonite. It is known both as Colorado and as Amazon jade, although amazonite as we understand it today is not found in the basin of Amazon River.Green or bluish green field spars with whitish silky tint that are now called amazonites were known since ancient times. Amazonite mines exist on the territory of Ethiopia and Egypt since several thousand years BC. When exploring the Tutankhamen tomb scientist found beads, amulets, earrings and rings made of amazonite in silver mounting. In Russia amazonite was found in 1784 in South Ural. In the end of 18th century stone cutters cut splendid decorative vases from amazonite. Four of these vases made in Yekaterinburg lapidary factory are kept in Hermitage.Amazonite is considered the stone of courage and devotion. Bright-green color of amazonite creates good mood, relieves the feeling of anxiety and uncertainty. The decorations of amazonite help to strengthen family relations and build strong family.They attract material prosperity and are able to inspire the elderly people to youth impulses.
Chakra: Throat
Element: Earth
Minning locations

1.Cole peninsula Middle Asia
11.South Africa