General reading - how did I do?


Tonight I did a general reading for my mom. My question was "What does my mother need to know about her life right now?" Since there was no specific question to answer, it was difficult at first to see what the cards were trying to tell us. But I was drawn to the Death card in Position 9 and took it as a clue, so I asked her, "Is there something in your life you need or want to change?" We both looked at each other and at the same time said "QUIT SMOKING!" So, looking at the other cards, it made sense to both of us. Here's what I had and how I interpreted it:

Celtic Cross/Spiral Deck

Cards 1 & 2 where you are-crosses
4 of Cups and Hanged Man: She's kind of up in the air about quitting and her heart isn't really into it. Currently she can take or leave the idea, choosing to pass on it until she feels ready or has a clear reason to quit.

Cards 3 & 5 below-above
3 of Wands and Wheel of Fortune: Deep inside she's waiting for the right moment to quit but she's pretty aware of how the ill effects of the past can affect her future health.

Cards 4 & 6 past-future
2 of Swords and Chariot - in the past she's blinded herself toward both the dangers of smoking and the health benefits she can gain by quitting. But now she needs a strong will and control over her urges to succeed.

Card 7 Self
King of Wands - She has confidence and enthusiasm she'll be successful.

Card 8 Atmosphere
Ace of Cups - She'll be surrounded by a new realm of emotional support

Card 9 Hopes/fears
Death - this is a big, almost dispruptive change in habit and lifestyle. It won't be easy but it is necessary to strip away this old vice.

Card 10
Knight of Pentacles - She'll have taken action to take care of her body and feel good about her accomplishment.

Does this make sense the way I interpreted the spread and found the topic that needs attention?

~ january

PS: She has not had a cigarette since the reading!


Nice reading! And what's especially cool about it is that while the issue was important, it was clear and direct. We readers tend to forget that readings don't always have to be about esoteric or murky stuff like love relationships. So what was most professional about this reading was that when "Smoking" occured to the two of you, you didn't say, "Naw, too easy," and try to apply the cards to something you thought more "appropriate," something deep and complex :)

She has not had a cigarette since the reading!

!Wow! Excellent!


I think you did a great interpretation here, and I second Thirteens comments about not closing your eyes for some very mundaine topic it is about.



So true - not every reading has to open pandora's box and reveal latent talents and hidden desires! Since everything seems to be going smooth in my mom's life, I couldn't see anything that needed that deep, esoteric type of understanding. Smoking was it!

Actually, couple of weeks ago, I drew the Chariot reversed as my daily card. Oh no! I'm going to be seriously taken advantage of and exploited in the worst way? :eek: Nope. My car broke down. (I think my subcon. was listening to that rattling noise more than my logical oh-it-will-fix-itself brain!) Not exactly fun, but certainly not one of life's deeper issues either.

The next time I do a reading for someone I don't know as well as Mom, I'll try to carry that same intuition with me.

I'm learning... slowly!

~ january


Excellent handling of what is often a sensitive subject! Very upfront, no frills & non-judgemental approach. When one also considers that it was produced for someone close to you, too--it is doubly impressive!


That's stunning! You were just sharp! CONGRATULATIONS!

And especially because, as Meewah said, you gave such a balanced and insightful reading to someone you knew without getting swayed or losing the thread of its story...
What an accomplished reading!!! It might be a very good Sample Reading.