Good Books on runes


Hey all, since there is the big interest in runes lately, I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions about good rune books. I only have The Principles of runes by Freya Aswynn, and it is excellent, but am looking to get more. Any suggestions??

Also, what do you suggest for books on Runic Magick??

Thanks All!!!


by silver ravenwolf and nigel jackson

the witches' runes comes with a great book and it has magical info as well!!!

in light,

ps it's published by llewellyn's!


Good Books

Teutonic Magic-Kveldulf Gundarsson

Runecaster's Handbook-Edred Thorsson


I like Andy Baggot's book about Runes, very down to earth and easy to use, not that I do alot of Rune readings but I do like this book :)



Thanks for asking the question Phoenix! I just traded a deck for some runes with faunabay and I would like a more detailed book than the one that came with them. I'll follow up on some of these suggestions.


The Principles of Runes book - is that the Thorson's one? It almost put me off runes completeley when she talked about using them to cast spells on your enemies *shudder*. I put the book away and haven't looked at is since. I'm easily scared.



Nope, I don't think its the same one Aerin.


Phoenix, which one do you have then?

I checked my Principles book, and it is by the same author. The paragraph I'm referring to is right at the beginning of a chapter on using runes for magic, she does say she terrified herself but it still worried me.



Runelore: Edred Thorsson.

Malachite will agree with me, cuz I bought this book for him as a pressie! :D



Yup. I agree.

I don't think any book could explain the psychological and metaphysical sides of runelore as well as "Runelore"...

For a starting point, "A Practical Guide to the Runes" by Lisa Peschel is quite useful, although it's a little *new-age*...
And it covers runescripts, and bindrunes as well...