Haindl tarot, revised version?



I just purchased a used haindl deck and its the 1990 version. A friend told me the newer deck has made changes??I don't like how the eight of Cups says failure. And there are other changes? Is the 2011 amazon version the revised version?



I just purchased a used haindl deck and its the 1990 version. A friend told me the newer deck has made changes??I don't like how the eight of Cups says failure. And there are other changes? Is the 2011 amazon version the revised version?

I have the new version and I think the cards are larger than the 1990 version, so you can see the paintings better.

My eight of cups says failure, too, so that's not been changed.




Big yellow eye :D Always.

Here you go.

I have both and see no difference except size.

I have to say (I also have a German one) that I think Failure is not IMHO the best translation of Minderung (the original word) which means more "lessening".
Qualitative Minderung = reduction in quality, for instance.


Haindl is based on the Thoth, not RWS


Suspected the backs were the same, but thought I'd ask :) Bought it, gave it away but I see it's back. I admire it, just can't stand to read with it.




Rachel Pollack goes into everything on this card but I think you could get a somewhat more positive interpretation than utter and total failure. There is no way I can summarize about 2 full pages on this card.



Gregory is absolutely right, Minderung is NOT failure but reduction or lessening.

Translation glitches between English and German are my pet peeves. Don't get me started on German Thoth keywords!!!!!

I cut off the Haindl borders to get rid of the Thoth-inspired keywords. Did the same to the Thoth. I find words disturb me when I want to read images, I don't need them.

And I don't think there will be a revised edition. Mr. Haindl died some years ago and I don't think anyone could revise his deck for him.


My friend read the revised version of the minor arcana and said the eight of Cups failure was changed to diminution. So if you got the failure card it is not latest version.


Gregory is absolutely right, Minderung is NOT failure but reduction or lessening.

Translation glitches between English and German are my pet peeves. Don't get me started on German Thoth keywords!!!!!

And thanks for validating my Deutsch. I was totally fluent at 18-ish - and I am deeply ashamed at how much I've lost over the years - but I am, TRYING to get it back - partly by spending a bit of time there - and it's kind of handy as my SO has very little German indeed, so he MAKES me take over - taub though I am ! (it really is hard work, that side of things.) The Big Issue is modern words. Things like cell phone (I have that now !) and the like.

Minderung fits 8 cups better for me - it's even almost RWS - the "leaving behind" is a kind of lessening, no ? The "Indolence" of Thoth doesn't work here.