Haindl with Reversals?


I am getting the Haindl for christmas, and I was wondering how many of you actually use reversals with the Haindl. Would this be a deck to use them with? Why or why not? Thanks ahead of time.


TaranRavenfrost wrote:I am getting the Haindl for christmas, and I was wondering how many of you actually use reversals with the Haindl. Would this be a deck to use them with? Why or why not? Thanks ahead of time.
Hi Taran!

I have the Haindl deck and have been using it for ... er... well, I don't recall when I got it... a year and a half ago or so, I think. Anyway ... since I was already using reversals with all the decks I had at the time, I didn't see any reason not to use them with this deck. I also use reversals with other decks which, according to some folks, I shouldn't be using them with. :eek:

I have basic meanings in my so-called mind and just open myself up to whatever interpretation of the card comes forth when I look at it (taking into account - sometimes - the basic meaning of the card and it's relations to other cards in the reading). But, hey, that's me. ;) If you get the deck and decide that you should not use reversals ... then don't. I'm a firm believer in doing Tarot readings the way I want to... :D



I have the Haindl deck. Actually it was my first. I have always used reversals in it. The way I take reversals is simply that the same energy is there that the upright card would indicate but that there is a blockage. Something is blocking it from expressing itself. And that it usually means that once you fix or remove the problem the energy will express itself.

Also if you have Rachel Pollocks books on the deck, it gives you the reversed meanings AND the reversed meanings from the I-Ching symbols as well. Each of the I-Ching symbols transforms into a different symbol when it is reversed (upside-down). So the book meanings can be important for the I-Chings...

Hope this helps,
