Healing Proclamation for the Vanquishing of Tarot Guilt


This thread is humorous. You have been warned.:shhh:If you are lacking a sense of humor, please read another thread. Preferably a dry and crusty one that will do you no harm .
Much regretful wailing and personal self recrimination over the purchasing of numerous tarot and oracle decks is to be found here :


Due to the overwhelming,deep seated nature of The Guilt attached to the sins of purchasing and possessing more than a "certain number" of decks , a larger scale working is now necessary to free and cleanse any members who so wish to be loosed of this ponderous feeling of affliction. The certain number of decks is not specified , one cannot know but from personal experience at which point the The Guilt will kick in and one will sink into self loathing and wander aimlessly into the Dark Side.})

You have been furtively hinting and giggling at your little habit , your shoulders slumped , your head hung low . The Shame Spiral overtakes you, :confused: aided and abetted by certain of your peers who disapprove of your behavior and who seem to think themselves more worthy :royal:for either a lack of desire or a stark personal mythology that tends towards the Puritan ethic . (Or maybe the Shaker one , I don't particularly care at this point , I'm busy here... ) Nevertheless, we must forgive them :love:for attempting to push your now crumbly self esteem down into the pavement of harsh judgement .

For do we not live in the miracle time of The Tarot ? :angel:Free at last (oops, I'm not supposed to use that phrase..) from the tyranny of the past , tarot is finally out in the world for all to see and enjoy as never before . Hundreds of years have passed and many have truly suffered to see this day !!! We are FREE to walk in the light of day into public stores to buy our decks , give readings here and there , teach the art , and do whatever we will with it. The true sign of this great healing renaissance is the number and variety of tarot decks available to one and all !!!!! We live in fascinating and fortunate times indeed.


Here follows a Healing Proclamation for the Vanquishing of Tarot Guilt

<holding a crystal or a wand is recommended >

From this day forward and for all time , YOU , the signified victim of tarot and oracle deck collecting guilt and shame shall be freed and relieved of these worthless emotions that block your spirit. For you are deserving of all that you have !! You are the Lover of Art , the Archiver of Excellence , the Collector of the Mysteries !!! Be it one or many , all are worthy . If you do not use it today, you may learn from it tomorrow . If you do not understand it this day , understanding may flower on another . You and you alone decide . You may buy, sell , trade ,and otherwise interact with your tarots in any way that increases your happiness. Let no one darken your aura on these matters, for they have no authority over you .

(Repeat several times for personal strength, "YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME .")

Celebrate yourself , and celebrate your tarots . This is the moment of destiny ! For every deck you buy ,it means another new one will be printed for some greatful soul traveller to acquire in the future . YOU have supported the economy , YOU have encouraged new decks to be undertaken to continue tarot's growth ,YOU have validated the artists and given them reason to carry on !!! Art needs you, and The Tarot needs you too. You have done well and persevered , and no harm can come from this . You are blessed and sacred , go now and read well, and let no one shrivel your soul ever again .


Now I invite anyone of similar (imaginary) authority to post their own cleansing proclamations on this matter , for the ultimate benefit of all.:bugeyed:


*holding my protective crystal in hand*

I, Rhiamon...will not let hubby know I just ordered 6 new decks...if he shall find me out, I will play innocent and baffled as to what he is talking about. If that doesn't work, I'll start using his recent purchases against him...hehehehehehehehehe *evil, evil laugh*


I lark....
Holding a banana peel in one hand and a dish towel in the other....Hey I'm cleaning up here, give me a break, it's early.

Here by promise~ to sweep away any guilt associated with collecting tarot decks, oracle decks, crystals, bach flower remedys, tarot bags, spread cloths, candles, candle holders, incense, incense holders, table covers, books, journals, pens, pencils, ponytail holders, rolling suitcases, tote bags, timers, pyramids, obelisks, orbs, puffy stone hearts, crystal balls, crystal ball holders, hand cream, lip balm, water bottles, meditation CD's, business cards, flyers, and all other assorted parphernalia related to my chosen profession...tarot reader.

Although I have never really felt that guilty..(for which I now feel really guilty)....for having neglected to stop long enough in my pleasure of collecting to muster up some genuine guilt.

Still I pledge thee my troth, by the heart of all that is holy...Tarot Garden, Borders, Amazon, Barnes and Noble......ect..ect...


On the serious side of this oddly recurring issue , collecting did not used to be such a bad thing to do. It was once thought of as a cultured and educational activity . In a way, it's like having a private museum for comparison and study .

It has always been my position that the more decks you have and use , the more you will be spreading out the wear and tear overall instead of just having a few decks that will take the brunt of it all and getting shabby in short order.

Finally, science now thinks that activities that stimulate the brain such as puzzles can actually prevent Alzheimer's disease. Keeping the mind sharp by reading with different decks and stretching to understand and remember their varied symbolism just might be very good for us.


Dark Inquisitor said:
In a way, it's like having a private museum for comparison and study.

Oooh, I like that sentiment. I do frequent comparisons, particularly when I get a new deck. I always remember similar cards in other decks in my collection while comparing, probably because I do rotate around a lot when I'm doing my quaint exercises.

I find that with a decent collection, the archetypal imagery makes more sense, and for me this is really evident with decks that aren't R-W clones. It's a stretch for the mind to notice the similarities in disparity. My specialty of delight.

It has always been my position that the more decks you have and use , the more you will be spreading out the wear and tear overall instead of just having a few decks that will take the brunt of it all and getting shabby in short order.

I find this true as well. Dark-bordered decks wear poorly--I am thinking of the World Spirit Tarot for instance. It doesn't take long before using them starts flicks of white showing against the dark along the edges, no matter how careful you are.

Finally, science now thinks

Good old Science. I've seen lots of extremely bright, active people who never stopped stretching their minds develop Alzheimer's, regardless. My own Aunt is currently the family tragedy pertaining to this.

However, keeping the mind sharp by stretching to understand is the vital part of your paragraph here. It doesn't stop with tarot but it can start with tarot. People seem to lack awareness of this concomitant joy.

Plus you can make specialized bookmarks for all your related books and decks. I mean really, isn't that the salient point? Sure.