help with recurring nightmare/dream please?


Hello all! For as long as I can remember, every now and again, I have a dream/nightmare where I'm with a group of people outdoors. We start to walk up a steep hill, at this point it usually starts to rain. The hill gets very muddy and slippery. Everyone else just walks up it with no problem at all, I on the other hand simply cannot do it no matter how hard I try! I slip and fall again and again (whenever I try it just seems to get steeper and steeper) I all of a sudden get extremely dizzy, can't seem to stay awake! I usually wake up feeling panicked, scared, frustrated. When things in my life are running smoothly I always have dreams of seas/oceans and killer whales (my fave!). So if my water dreams signify inner peace, then I'm guessing the hill ones are showing inner conflict/stress, but I don't know what this dream is showing me? Any ideas? Thanks in advance, blessed be! Nyx.


yep! to dream of climbing a hill indicates the struggles you are facing in achieving a goal. because you are constantly slipping in the mud and unable to reach the top, it would suggest that you are not making progress in your goal. generally, a 'steep' hill would indicate reaching your goals successfully, but because you are slipping, I'd say it is the opposite.

the rain is symbolic of sadness and the dizziness is confusion.

it seems as if perhaps you need to decide on how to handle a situation at hand and keep your focus on it as you try to tackle it successfully. does this sound right to you?


Just to add, it's interesting about the elemental properties here: you feel at home in the watery dreams, which represent perhaps emotional issues/the emotional world or realm, but you feel yourself struggling in the world of earth: physicality, the body. Is there a health issue or problem with which you are struggling at the moment?


troubling theme

Hello cn! Still not had a chance to have a try with latest rv lol. Yes your interpretation does make a lot of sense, I've not had as tough a life as many people have sadly have but it does make perfect sense. Without going into an epic "life is so mean to me" rant, everyday for the past few months seems to be one battle after the next, without sounding *brainless" everything is confusing in one way or another, nothing is easy or simple or straight forward. Four difficult children, a house that HATES me, and a relationship that seems to hit one problem after another.....sigh.. Long list lol. Even tried having the house/energies cleansed. Didn't help. Ah well. Thanks so much for your response : ). Now I just need a dream to tell me exactly what to fix and how ha ha! Blessed be! Nyx


dream theme

Ooo graspee I never thought or rather noticed that! I'm a cancer so THAT at least should have been rather obvious to me. issues, yes definitely! I've had back problems that no specialist seems to be able to figure out, this has gone on for about 16 years now! Wow, can't believe I didn't spot the element thing, I'm wiccan too. Silly me lol. Thanks for the clever observation. Blessed be!