

Hi all! It's been awhile since I've been around and I'm even hesitant to admit I've been sort of lax with my readings as well. Partially because I cannot read for myself. I lose my train of thought and sometimes get overwhelmed. It's just...I don't know. Maybe I'm just not "There" yet with stringing together all of the different meanings.


I drew a 3 card spread with the question of "What do I need to Know about Tomorrow?" A little background info, I've got a busy day tomorrow starting off with taking a little trip to LI (I'm in Queens, NY) to visit a wedding photographer, supervise some Tux shopping, go eat lunch with a friend and then get ready for a Birthday Party for a co-worker friend of mine.

So the cards that I drew (and I understand my reading only partially, so I won't tell you what I think) are:

1. Reversed King of Coins 2. Reversed Three of Cups 3. Reversed Sun

I'm using the Vanessa Tarot.


I think you are supposed to post your own reading before we comment. And this is the Using Tarot Cards, not the Your Readings, Forum