Hi members I really need some help here!


I am getting so tired of wandering the neighborhood looking for my missing kitty WALLY. He disappeared about a WEEK ago when I had my mother visiting. He's an outdoor boy, but there is NO sign of him at all.........so I did a 3-card draw the other day asking
"WHERE is Wally?"
and got Bouguet-Woman-Lilies and then pulled Ring fm the bottom. I checked my backyard again cuz it's full of lilies (taking things literally here). And hoping he will cycle around here soon (Ring). But none of the neighbors have even seen him!

Last night I asked the same question and drew Lilies-Cross-Mice and then Birds fm the bottom. I feel as tho this 2nd draw is more about WHAT he might be going thru....Anyway, I really don't know what to make of this one, and my objectivity is not very good right now. I didn't get much sleep but have already circled the area today that he usually goes to, but nothing. I want to know WHERE to look or what the cards are trying to say!

Any help would sure be welcomed. <3


Sorry about your cat Wally.

First question Where is Wally? I think Wally may be in a garden, I read Ring too like you, he will circle back to you eventually. Or Ring could be like a roundabout. Do you live by one?
Maybe Wally entered a lady's garden.

This makes me think perhaps Wally is tired...stressed and anxious and staying put where they are now, or resting...Cross with Mice makes me think that. Birds there makes me think Wally has company.LOL.

Anyway just my 2 cents. Some thoughts.
Good Luck.

The Universe Knows

I can't help with your cards. Just wanted to give hugs. Sending thoughts to bring Wally home....


I am getting so tired of wandering the neighborhood looking for my missing kitty WALLY. He disappeared about a WEEK ago when I had my mother visiting. He's an outdoor boy, but there is NO sign of him at all.........so I did a 3-card draw the other day asking
"WHERE is Wally?"
and got Bouguet-Woman-Lilies and then pulled Ring fm the bottom. I checked my backyard again cuz it's full of lilies (taking things literally here). And hoping he will cycle around here soon (Ring). But none of the neighbors have even seen him!

Last night I asked the same question and drew Lilies-Cross-Mice and then Birds fm the bottom. I feel as tho this 2nd draw is more about WHAT he might be going thru....Anyway, I really don't know what to make of this one, and my objectivity is not very good right now. I didn't get much sleep but have already circled the area today that he usually goes to, but nothing. I want to know WHERE to look or what the cards are trying to say!

Any help would sure be welcomed. <3

"WHERE is Wally?"
and got Bouguet-Woman-Lilies and then pulled Ring fm the bottom.

He might have found another owner(woman+ring). The owner is female. Lillies can mean that maybe wally has been visiting her for a while (gestation)....Lady might see wally as a gift.

Also for some reason i also think wally might be black and white (coloring), but let me know if true.

Lilies-Cross-Mice and then Birds fm the bottom.
To me this indicates that wally has been visiting this woman faithfully (regularly) because of the lillies+cross which is like gestation and faith. But his faith in this woman might be shaken at this moment cross+mice...she might not be his type of owner. Cross+birds... Birds can mean two people...i would see it as wally is faithful to both you and this other lady.

Give him time..continue to search for him, but i think he might like you more than this other lady he is with at the moment.

Let me know if this makes any sense. I hope it does.


Tthe other day: "WHERE is Wally?"

Bouquet-Woman-Lilies [and then pulled Ring from the bottom]

You (28, The Lady) fall at the center of the spread, indicating that Wally (at the time of the reading) was nearby. I agree with the above that the cards point to your yard (garden) near the Lilies. It's a straightforward line reading, isn't it? In the garden/yard (Bouquet – a place of beauty) of IheartRescues (Lady) near the Lilies.

With 3 spades, and with one positive card (Bouquet) and one that is on the positive end of neutral (Lilies) [and the Lady or Gent cards are not on the positive/neutral/negative scale] the spread looks optimistic.

Andy B. says that a king and queen of the same suit can be a pair of people, not necessary a couple or even a male and a female. With the proximity indicated (you in the center of the spread) perhaps neighbors have Wally in their yard without knowing it. Maybe some neighbors just a bit farther away from you than the ones you asked have him.

I don't look at the cards at the bottom of the stack, but seeing what you pulled in each of the readings, I'll hazard that they describe you. So in this one, you were feeling that tie or commitment that you have to/with Wally.

Last night I asked the same question

Lilies-Cross-Mice [and then Birds fm the bottom.]
KS, 6C, 7C [7D]

Now things don't look so nice, with two clubs and the Cross in the center. Now I don't agree that Wally is with someone who is caring for him. Naturally, fending for himself would be more and more uncomfortable and perhaps difficult over time.

But Where is Wally? Lilies in a church/churchyard/other house of religion (Cross) is a possible picture. If there is a church, etc nearby or a cemetery, I'd go looking there, especially looking for a disused or unkempt (Mice) one. [Even if no actual lilies are present, lilies in a church, churchyard, or cemetery seems a sort of pictorial shorthand.]

The Birds here show you've become more upset and agitated as more time has passed.

And who can blame you? I'm so sorry you're going through this. Please let us know when you find Wally!


I just logged back on and WOW :)))

I have now read through your replies 4x and want to thank you all for !) your warm-hearts <3 and 2) you helping me to understand my own cards and taking the time to open my eyes to my dinky 3-4 card line. It all felt like a warm hug when I needed it.
I have already made a nuisance of myself asking to poke around in people's gardens lol. But there are some backyards i have not checked.... I do have a church around the corner. A big Catholic one, and have gone over the grounds esp. where there was foliage. (of course I have him listed on the local on-line Missing Cat places too).
I am not going to address your actual analysis of the cards right now as it is late and has been a long day. I will read these again in the morning with fresher eyes.

He was also sleeping a lot more, before he vanished. I am wondering if the Cross and Mice might mean he is sick? On top of that, it's cold now and the illegal firewoeks may not have helped him. If I had the mental acuity right now, I would go grab Andy's book bc I forget the rules about the Cross. Do Mice eat away at Cross or does Cross make Mice stronger?
I will leave feedback as the truth becomes clearer! xoxoxo

Annnnyhoooo #LeNormand #Wallingford #PLEASECOMEHOME #Pattycakesiswaiting4u

Peace and goodnight fm the Emerald Triangle (Pacific Coast)


Cosmic Being :)

"WHERE is Wally?"
and got Bouguet-Woman-Lilies and then pulled Ring fm the bottom.

He might have found another owner(woman+ring). The owner is female. Lillies can mean that maybe wally has been visiting her for a while (gestation)....Lady might see wally as a gift.

Also for some reason i also think wally might be black and white (coloring), but let me know if true.

Lilies-Cross-Mice and then Birds fm the bottom.
To me this indicates that wally has been visiting this woman faithfully (regularly) because of the lillies+cross which is like gestation and faith. But his faith in this woman might be shaken at this moment cross+mice...she might not be his type of owner. Cross+birds... Birds can mean two people...i would see it as wally is faithful to both you and this other lady.

Give him time..continue to search for him, but i think he might like you more than this other lady he is with at the moment.

Let me know if this makes any sense. I hope it does.

Thank you for your valuable input. I have been searching every day. If someone has him then I hope she goes online. You offered that he might be black and white? No lol but it was worth the shot right? I DO have a blk and wht that is here, and she is missing him terribly tho. :(

Have I seen the word "gestation" used for the Lilies before?? Have to look it up in my books. But visiting someone for awhile is possible, tho I have talked to many neighbors recently. Unless this woman doesn't want me to know?? He is pretty dam cute. Really!

I have exhausted ALMOST every thing I can think of, except I rec'd a new location hint fm a member who does scrying, so I have to figure that out. Can't rest on the laurels that someone is taking care of him, if they are not. But trying to find a cat...what a job!!

And now I am on cat-time instead of him on my schedule. How fitting. /:


scorpiogirl me eyes is getting blurry <3

Sorry about your cat Wally.

First question Where is Wally? I think Wally may be in a garden, I read Ring too like you, he will circle back to you eventually. Or Ring could be like a roundabout. Do you live by one?
Maybe Wally entered a lady's garden.

This makes me think perhaps Wally is tired...stressed and anxious and staying put where they are now, or resting...Cross with Mice makes me think that. Birds there makes me think Wally has company.LOL.

Anyway just my 2 cents. Some thoughts.
Good Luck.

Thank you for being the first to post on this thread. My moon is also in Aquarius :) I like your interp of the Birds as a pair, and thought that was a possibility when I drew them too! Two little brats out there scaring their moms. Or maybe there is a cat that is scaring him?

I am so sick of looking thru my neighbor's gardens and I think some are sick of me! I am doing a walk-about every day and trying to keep in mind the clues I have rec'd here and elsewhere, as that ups Wally's chances I think.

If he shows up looking all happy and healthy and fat--Ima gonna kill him! lol :D


if he comes home/you find him. Maybe investing in a tracker they put under the skin at the (back) base of the neck.

This might start to become a habit for him as he grows older... more courageous.

I've had cats that love doing crazy stuff and running around. Then i had cats that the outside was like a horror show to them.

Now if this gives any hope when i was very young. I had a rabbit that ran away.

In a day or two he ran back home, a rabbit. So if a rabbit can hop back home, I think there is a high chance your buddy will come home :)

Wish you and your little buddy the best!


Thanks Cosmic Being

When my little buddy comes home I will look into a tracker for him.. He has a chip already. (And He is 7 yrs old.)

Thanks for the bunny story. This all keeps my spirits high, and that is better for me and my cat !