Hierophant reverse


What would the Hierophant reverse indicate if it comes up as a work related question or what does the person do work-wise?

The first thing that came to my mind was maybe misleading people and taking their money, or guiding them the wrong way and removing money from them. Any other thoughts?


My first thought, without knowing more, is: Advertising something the person doesn't believe in.

ana luisa

A person who has no established principles and work on anything if the situation called for it. No preconceived ideas, no well established goals, no affiliation. Odd jobs sort of person.

le fey

"Thinking outside the box" - the maverick who gets things done by ignoring the standards and protocols of the system. The guy who says 'it's easier to get forgiveness than permission' before they go off and do something they know their boss wouldn't approve of.


The Hierophant Rx can be the fanatic, religious or otherwise, who is trying to get you to believe in their version of the "truth", this person has usually gone beyond the need for money.


I am one of the readers who check the previous card in the deck for a lesson not learned/action not taken....
Not sure if you asked how the person IS work-wise as in characteristics opposed to what the actual job/job title is. As I find that hard to nail down :D

So I am going for - how the person characteristics are.

Ok, back to the previous card - thats my old friend The Emperor in that case. The Emperor can stand for taking charge, taking action, trying to be fair, ruling. Its either take the descision/action your self or someone esle WILL. So its asked of the querent to take that action. IF not done, we are at the Hierophant RX stage - now thats sort of a logical progression. First we found ourself in a position where we were called to make the rules and take charge. We didnt so we are at the stage on insisting stubborn that its not our fault, it wasnt our task to deliver, ownership was with someone esle, we only followed the rule and hey - where are we without rules. But we need to be reminded that sometimes it is necessary to take action and not wait that others take it for us.

So the person might be in a position of power (or was in at some stage) but failed to live up to the task and now is in a less desirable position.

Just my thoughts :)


*lol* Who doesn't want a short-cut to greatness? *lol*

Heriophant Reversed has little to no scruples... They stack the deck in their favour... They're not opposed to being slick, underhanded, lying little weasels to get their way...

The counterfeit christian: pious on the outside, full of ego-maniacal motivations on the inside... but all in god's name, *lol*

A person who does not take the high road, (as that takes too long), but rather takes the low road for its expediency...

A perverted and inverted perception of righteousness...


A person for whom the ends justify the means...

Croneyism held in higher esteem than Merit...

Serving mammon instead of the greater good...

A person or situation that is without virtue, without worthiness... ergo, without blessing from on high...