His World : High Priestess clarified by Empress - Help please


In a relationship spread in the 'His World' position is the High Priestess card for which I drew a clarifier Empress.

HP, is one that I always get stuck with. It certainly is one of the most mysteries one in the deck (RWS). Apart from the conventional meanings as it can also meaning a love triangle, really confused. The energy of the clarifier would be fertility. So what would it add up to or mean?

Perhaps I'm being pessimistic and another way to look at it is trust your intuition (High Priestess) and things will be okay (Empress).

Surrounding cards don't quite suggest that the guy is in a love triangle, so I'm kinda stuck. Should I go by the other meanings of the High Priestess?


My W-S High Priestess signifies the ultimate form of authority because it is backed up with deep beliefs that legitimize the assumption of power. This differs from the Hierophant whose power is granted instead of presumed. His world is dominated by a person, quite possibly female, who assumes he will follow. The Empress is always Mom for me. His world is dominated by his mother. She might be dead but her shade prevents him from growing. She might be in another state and calls him ten times every day. Then again, he might live with her and is her primary caregiver in a deeply loving situation.


Simply put, 'mama's boy'! Okay I get it, thanks a plenty. Another state, 10 times calling a day sounds the most probable one. :)