how is my boss doing?


This is a reading about my boss, the one I mentioned in the job thread. It's rather amusing. Exactly what I expected.

The question was, 'How is he doing?'

5 card spread using Rider Waite deck

1. His fears/anxieties about me - Devil rev (clair 7 swords rev)

He fears that he can't get rid of me. He may also fear that I'm cheating him somehow. (I'm not)

2. Why he has these fear/anxieties about me - 10 wands (clair 6 swords rev)

He feels that I'm a burden and that he can't get away from me.

The above I believe stems from both the employment laws here which make it extremely difficult to fire someone and the fact that he has not been paying into social security. He knows very well that all I have to do is contact social security and start a trial against him. He'll end up paying not only my back social security TO ME but he'll also pay a fine. The only way to avoid this is to pay me a settlement to keep my mouth shut.

3. His thoughts of me. - Knight of Pentacles rev

He thinks I'm a flake.

4. How he feels about me consciously - 3 cups rev

He doesn't feel that I'm getting along with him. I'm not part of his team.

5. How he is doing overall - Page wands rev

He's actually like a spoiled child. Perhaps he's even throwing a tantrum. That would fit him.


1. His fears/anxieties about me - Devil rev (clair 7 swords rev)

It suggests that he really wants to be free of you as he thinks that you are devious and sneaky behind his back, basically he thinks that you are up to no good when he isn't watching and therefore for his own peace of mind wants to get rid of you. So, you get on his nerves, you stress him out and he is depressed by your present.


Yeah, that's what it looks like. I laughed out loud when I saw the cards. It's such a case of projection.


How is he doing overall .. Page of Wands rev

I think he is in a jam of some sort and does not know what to do at all.
Kind of like he is "spinning his wheels".
Do you know what is going on with him, is he really dishonest and doing things he will not be able get away with ?


He is VERY dishonest, a real con man.

His business partner is also his girlfriend. As of late she has seemed very stressed. He has burdened her with enormous amounts of work because he's too cheap to pay me full time or pay the other people that she needs to help her. He's quite stupid because without this woman's expert knowledge on the subject he won't be able to continue running this company. I will also be out of a job if she leaves.

Given all of that I did a card reading on their relationship and I'll post it in another thread. It looks just as bad as my relationship with him and I expected as much.