How to determine if the person is a stranger or someone you already know


I hope I phrased that all right. I've only had my first deck of Tarot cards for about three weeks, yesterday I bought a new book, Tarot Made Easy, just so you have a reference of how little I know.

Anyway, I've been wondering.. say you do a spread about future love interests or something similar. How do you determine whether or not you/the querant already knows the future love interest?

I did a general spread last night, just for fun, really, and I got several cards that I felt indicated I would have a new love interest or romantic interest in the near future. But I couldn't figure out if it was a returning interest, a stranger, or someone I know who would evolve into a romantic interest.

thanks for taking the time to read this!



Welcome to AT!

From what you've described, I don't think that you can tell from the reading you did. If it were someone that you already know, hopefully you'd recognize them from the cards you drew, but not necessarily.

But now that you believe your general reading gave you some specific information, you can do another reading based on the results of the general reading. You can ask something like "What's the likelihood that the new love interest/future romantic interest indicated by the other reading is someone I know?" Pull three cards and interpret them. Then shuffle and ask the same question about if it's someone you don't know and pull three more cards and interpret them. Hopefully you'll get a stronger indication from one set of cards than the other. If not, then maybe you're not meant to know the answer to that question at this point in time.



Trust, have faith that love will find you... it's way cool to do readings and fantasize about who it might be, but equally frustrating. For then you begin to scrutinize every person as the potential ONE, which can make a person appear predatory or desperate, either is a frightening encounter, or attracts the ever ready predatory Wrong One, who gobbles up the Desperate for Long Lunches.

How will you know?

Believe me, when you meet the One and/or Another, you will know... and then you really will begin to question your ability to reason.

Resulting in a plethora of new things to read about!

Confession: I asked all these things using runes, because I didn't know tarot or found a place that sold tarot decks and hadn't entered the world of the wide web yet.

I pretty much did it the way rwcarter suggested.

Ask a question, the hardest part is "Is", "Will" "Do/Does", unless you decide some way to read Yes or No... Flip a coin... it's easier and less ambigous.

Maybe ask a for a location of where they are... what are their surroundings
What they do....for work, for entertainment, for leisure
What is their favorite thing to do
What are they passionate about
What you will be doing and where you will meet

But if you are home all the time doing readings and trying to decipher what they are saying... instead of doing the things you enjoy doing that take you away out of the house, the more your chances of being found improve.


shanaelle said:
I hope I phrased that all right. I've only had my first deck of Tarot cards for about three weeks, yesterday I bought a new book, Tarot Made Easy, just so you have a reference of how little I know.

Anyway, I've been wondering.. say you do a spread about future love interests or something similar. How do you determine whether or not you/the querant already knows the future love interest?

I did a general spread last night, just for fun, really, and I got several cards that I felt indicated I would have a new love interest or romantic interest in the near future. But I couldn't figure out if it was a returning interest, a stranger, or someone I know who would evolve into a romantic interest.

thanks for taking the time to read this!

Sometimes sometning in the card just sets off your intuition and you just know inside.

If not, he best way to determine something you are unsure of is to ask. If you are unsure, do another reading and ask something like "What do I need to know now about if the love interest mentioned in the last reading was someone I currently know or someone new whom I have not met yet?

That's what he cards are there for, to answer our questions. Asl them anything at all you want to know.
