How to get "back in touch"?


I feel like it's been a while since I used the deck at all. I'm not a proffessional reader (even though I did try a while), and I haven't been very spiritual lately either. I don't expect my spirituality and connection to the deck to return in the blink of an eye with some ritual, but perhaps you nice people have some good suggestions?


Spend some time with your deck. Don't try and READ - just look at the cards and enjoy them. Tell stories. That sort of thing. It will come back.


Drink with them and go to sleep with them and you'll make eachother so happy.


mediating helped me tremendously. There as a time when I read and things didnt come to me as easily and my accuracy dropped. I began mediating with my cards in the sunlight at least 3 times a week and I became a much stronger reader. Maybe this will help with you too?


Time, give it time, and serious attention. Be willing to be a bit inner for a while.

Magicus Textor

Honestly just allow the cards to come alive for you. These are real things, or at least archetypes of real things, real situations. They represent aspects of universal consciousness. Personifying the cards might help, or meditating on one card at a time. The majors represent each path of the Tree of Life, and the minors represent the spheres on the Tree of Life, so you can meditate on each one and enter into that particular energy. I think this type of work, knowing the cards for "who" they are, is far more important than memorizing correspondences.


Reconnectiong takes times

I recommend dedicating time each day to find a quiet space and ponder, learn and commune with the cards. This is good but it is also important to get a ‘feeling’ of each card.

Using a journal or diary to record the meaning and the understandings acquired is a good way of entrenching the meanings into the psyche. Most decks have illustrations that come from ancient teachings or possess mystic or mythological meanings; it is good to familiarise yourself with these meanings; reasearching and getting a greater sense of the meanings is quite fun.

Get into the practice of asking your guides to help. This may not be your style but it can’t do any harm. Remember though, Divination with tarot is both a natural connection to higher laws/self and an understanding of the meaning of the cards.


Play solitaire with it.