How to regain connection with Tarot/Oracle cards


My friend has lost her "connection" with both her tarot and oracle deck. When she tries using them, they don't "speak" to her like they used to. She used her cards solely by intuition and what was presented in the cards - and her readings were just astounding. However, she's lost her connection with them.

Does anybody know of any ways to regain that connection?

The Guided Hermit

Assuming she has cleansed or cleared the deck, I would recommend holding them near her heart (wrapped in a tarot bag of course) as she sleeps.

I am also a big fan of taking the cards out for a journey. Start off with her significator and go for a nice walk in a quiet place. Look at the card under the daylight and thank the card for what it has provided.

Just like people, sometimes the cards only want to be held.


She may just need to get a new deck. Maybe it is as simple as she is bored and they just don't peak her interest like they once did?

I was told early on to sleep with them under my pillow. I was also told to 'charge' them with the Full Moon. {like sitting them on a window sill spread out in the moonlight}. I was told to use Sage to "smudge" them.
Really.. once I found a deck that clicked with me..I didn't need to do any of that.

I also let myself get other new decks I am interested in too. That helps me even do readings in different ways. If your friend was using intuition to do the readings and even if she wasn't.. the cards aren't the source of the information received. They are only a tool. She may not even need them any longer. Maybe have her do readings without cards to see how it goes? Maybe this is the push she needs to start fully using only her intuition?

I hope that helps some! :)


Maybe your friend just needs a rest from working with tarot.

That may sound strange to some but I have found over the years that we as people have our different cycles just as the seasons do.

So it could be that she is in her rest season.

When this has happened to myself or my friends I find that it comes back in its own time. When it does it is normally much stronger.


I have had periods in my life when I withdrew from the cards and they withdrew from me. Not sure why, just 'life' I guess. Forcing it doesn't seem to help, though some of the suggestions above might.

As she wants the connection back (she does, right?) she needs to approach them gently, playfully, not asking serious questions and slowly re-build her connection. Or, just let some time pass.
