I am looking for an Oracle deck that really moves me

Stark Raven

These are the Oracle decks I already have: Celtic Messages, Animal Messages (Susie Green), Karma Cards, Cosmic Mandala, Angels Oracle (D. Virtue), and the Fatima Oracle. So with this said, what can you recommend me that has fantastic and solid (but not artificial) artwork? Please only recommend decks that work for you, not the ones that are just pretty and nothing else. Thank you!

PS - Recommendations for a deck with nice backs would be extra nice; as this is a thing I have neglected to seek with most of my Tarot decks and wish to look for such decks now with my Oracles.


that is quite a cross reference of decks. Which of those do you fell suited your needs best?
I love oracles, more than tarot even, but I found the ones made up of animals were hopeless for me. I also was hopeless with the Sabian, my mind is too literal.

So tell us how each of those decks worked for you and then maybe we can help.
Readings or meditation?
with book help, or ignore book help?
Do you like spreads or one card draws?
Do you prefer keywords or not?
There is a world of difference between the Toltec Oracle I'm using this week and something like the Lumen. Both of which have champions...

Stark Raven

I find that of the decks I have, they primarily help me when reading for others. I don't get many opportunities to read for others however; I am seeking one that is quite 'literal', black and white as to speak, but I don't care which kind of deck too much. I forgot to put on my list that a Lenornmand style deck made it into my collection. It's from the '40s by Whitman Publishing. Of all the decks I have, that is the most evocative. However, seeing as when reading for self interpretation seems unreliable, I'm looking for one that is hard to misread under this circumstance.


Good, you have an idea of what you want to do with an oracle.
Look through Solandia's list here

See if any of them jump off the page at you. In a good way :)
Two of my favorites are polar opposites, Mythic Astrology by Liz Greene and Shaman's Oracle by John Matthews. I'll try to think of why they work for me. ..

Stark Raven

Thanks AJ, will take a look.