I interviewed my tarot deck - Interesting!


Hi there!

I got the idea to interview my tarot deck from a friend who posted about interviewing her deck and I gotta say, it's pretty eye opening and makes me feel sorta warm & fuzzy inside afterward. So I'm posting it here and if you have any other perspectives on it, please feel free to add to it - also feel free to post your own deck interviews.

1. Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic? - 4 of Wands
~ The tarot is telling me that I can come to it when I need to expand myself - my mind, my ideas, my creativity and to know that I can feel safe, secure, at peace and in harmony - sort of like a special place to dive into.

2. What are you strengths as a deck? - King of Swords -
~When I see the King of Swords, I see a man who is totally straight forward, honest;brutally honest because he will tell you what you need to hear and will not sugar coat things just to spare your feelings. But he does this because he cares and he is a leader and motivator. He knows what to say, usually because he's done his research and he will lead you in the right direction if you take heed of his wise counsel.

3. What are your limitations as a deck? - Ace of Wands -
~This one was hard to interpret, as I don't see Ace of Wands as limiting, so I had to really dive into this card and my intuition tells me that the Ace of Wands can SUGGEST one to use your creativity or be creative in order to gain the knowledge I'm seeking, however, it can only MERELY suggest what needs to be done, the rest has to be up to me to move forward or not.

4. What are you here to teach me? - The Hanged Man -
~ Very interesting, as I immediately understand what this means. I'm usually a very impatient person as I want fast action and quick answers. The tarot is telling me with The Hanged Man, that I am to learn to slow down, sit back, reflect- even meditate when I am trying to seek answers for myself or another.

5. How can I best learn to collaborate with you? - The High Priestess -
~By being receptive to my intuition, trusting my intuition and psychic abilities all the while staying grounded, with an open heart & mind. Best to nurture my relationship with my deck!

6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship? - 5 of Wands -
~Only by challenging my perspective, will I grow for the better and through conquering my own challenges using tarot as my guide (king of swords) - the cards may irritate me, scare me or hurt my feelings with honest answers, but if I learn to trust my intuition (high priestess), reflect and meditate on the answers given (the hanged man) I will truly gain some wonderful insights and perhaps some real personal freedom either for myself or for others.

I now look at my deck as if it's an old friend that I'm coming over to have coffee with. She's wise, warm, and honest with me and I always feel happy to come to her and relieved and enlightened when I leave her. Awesome.


That's awesome :D

I interview all of my decks, personally. They have interesting personalities--and weirdly, really do seem to speak about themselves frankly.


I agree! although I wish I had this idea from the beginning. Now I have my eye on another deck..

can't wait to interview that one when I get it.


This is such an fascinating idea!! Will definitely do that for my regular decks!! :D

Water Lady

either the spread does not work for me or the Tarot Illuminati - which I think is really beautiful is going on the shelf
I got: for same questions
1.- 8 swords - tied up and can make decisions
2. 5 wands - inner doubts and conflict
3. prince of cups - creativity
4. 4 swords - meditation
5. 10 wands - I am already overburdened
6. 8 wands - speed perhaps because the deck is headed for the shelf
7. 6 swords - I will move away from deck
8. 3 pentacles - I do enjoy work and study
9. the star - I think this deck has a big of ego right now, perhaps some quiet time will make a difference

I did 3 reading first and all of them were nonsense---very disappointed but I have Madame endora coming tomorrow maybe

hope the rest of you have better luck with your decks