I just had to share this...


Hey Everyone

I just had to share this one...
I'm quite a newbie to tarot and I've been really enjoying learning and getting into it. I absolutely love my first deck, a mini sharman-caselli, and I take it almost everywhere with me.

Quite annoyingly it seems I lost a card last night while visiting a friend and I've looked everywhere and asked everyone today but it's nowhere to be found! I'm so disappointed, as I'd spent a lot of time with the deck, bonding and all that, and it felt so comfortable to work with, but now it seems I'll have to buy more and start again with a new version (of course, the same deck because I love the images and it's a great deck to start with).

Anyway the bit I had to share - the card I lost is 7 of Swords. Just out of curiosity I looked up all the meanings I could find of this card (I'm still parroting) and, quite aptly, I read on Joan Bunning's site: "Wanting independece" "Preferring solitude" and "Wanting to go it alone" .....
So... if I take this at first glance and interpret.... it seems this card got fed up being lumped with all the others and decided to go AWOL!!!!!

And as for a message for me - I'm going to take it that the message here is "get a proper pouch to put the cards in!"



Even if it wasn't fun to loose the card the message was quite fun :)



My gosh, talk about making scramled eggs out of cracked eggs ! LOL


You'll never guess what

Aaaaah guys you won't believe this...

Right... When I discovered the card lost it was first thing when I woke up today and I was about to do my daily draw. One of my ways that I like to 'shuffle' recently is to deal the cards out a few times into different piles (like dealing to players), sometimes 3 piles, sometimes 4, sometimes 2, with the odd light 'real' shuffle in between, or even a different type of shuffle, cut, etc...
The way I discovered that the card was missing today, therefore, was when counting out the cards into piles.
When doing 4 piles you will count 19 and have 2 left over - today I had only 1 left over
Then I did 3 piles - should be a count of 26 (i.e 3 piles of 26 cards), but today I got 2 piles of 26 and one of 25 - are you with me?
So I did 2 piles, counting again as usual - again I was missing one.
I looked everywhere, checked underneath everything, then decided to put the cards in order to find out which card had gone missing.
All majors present and correct, and when I had all the suits ordered I found that little sod of a 7 of swords was the one gone on a little holiday.
I retraced my steps outside the front door, called my friends house where I'd been last night, and eventually concluded it must have been lost somehow on the journey home (note to all: don't keep paper currency in same place as other paper objects which you don't want to lose).

All day I was really disappointed and couldn't believe it, and then this evening I posted this thread after the irony of the card's message had made me chuckle a while.

And then... Later tonight...
Not sure if it was still ok to do it or not, I decided to do my daily draw tonight anyway, so I set about shuffling.
First 4 piles... 2 left over. Wait - 2?
Try 3 piles and wait to be missing one... 3 piles of 26, as there should be.
I knew it had been the 7 of swords missing so I had a look through the deck. Bear in mind that no one has been in my room today but me, and my cards have not moved from where I left them earlier.
There it was. 7 of Swords. IN THE DECK!!!
I'll swear to any god you like that I checked and rechecked today and it was not there - I'm absolutely sure about it - and it definitely was NOT stuck to any other cards.

So... Go figure?!

For the record, the card would probably have suited me today, as I was obliged to attend a social engagement which I otherwise would have liked to avoid if possible ;)

Ah - Another funny one I had on my newbie travels not long ago, while I've started the subject, was when I attempted my first long spread of 9 cards.
I spent the whole night writing out longhand all my ideas for interpretations for the cards, and must have covered a good few pages of A4 paper in the end. It was a spread about a relationship issue (still unresolved) which has had me rather stressed and heartbroken for the last 3 months, sleepless nights of anxiety and the lot. You know the kind.
So... I'm being meticulous, considering every possible angle for every card drawn. It takes a long, LONG time. Finally, at 5 am I reached the last card - the 'advice' position of the spread.

You know what card it was, don't you? Of course you do.
9 of Swords. 5am and my cards actually told me to stop stressing and go to bed. Well folks... when inanimate objects start getting smart with you I think it's definitely a sign you need to retire for the night!
'Nuff said!

Gosh, I've taken up lots of space here so I'll do the right thing and bugger off now for a while.
Just thought I'd share with you a couple of the smiles my cards have brought me lately



You don't need to bugger off from your own thread! Thanks for sharing your little stories . . . both anecdotes are very . . . yes, ironic. But more than that, I think your approach to the whole series of events has shown that you are learning fast, learning well, and have a seriously competent head well-screwed onto your shoulders. I wouldn't have seen the irony in either of those situations. Kudos.

\m/ Kat


Thanks :)


Things disappear and re manifest all the time for me Traveller. I have tried being more careful, putting things in their proper place, etc. If the 7 of Swords was not there, it was not there ! The fact it reappeared is good.

It makes me doubt how responsible I am and is totally frustrating. I have never read any kind of observation on this type of phenomena but it has to be one anyway. Lately I just kind of wait it out and hope the lost item will show up and try not to react as much.


Yeah I'm glad it turned up again, too - as I said I've become really attached to these cards.

That's the thing though, it's very unusual for me to lose things because I'm quite fussy about everything having it's place and being looked after properly and for those reasons and probably a few others, losing things just isn't something that happens much to me.

As for reading meanings into things... well to be honest I'm very much a novice and I'm (respectfully) still sitting on the fence about the 'everything happens for a reason' thing, and find myself (again, respectfully) totally split down the middle about the whole idea (rational explanations vs. coincidence/fate), quite easily accepting either or both most of the time as part of being open to learning about certain things in life.
Anyway I thought it was fun to have a look and see how that particular card might correspond in such a situation, and then my bizarre sense of humour kicked in (as it does tend to do) :D

Of course it COULD have been stuck to one of the other cards (that's the ONLY possible rational explanation) ... but I had that in mind when I went through them again and again, counting and recounting, being sure to separate each and every card etc.

As far as I know it definitely wasn't there (or I'm definitely very stupid and/or need specs immediately!) and then later it was - and even though I know it's possible to pick almost any card and find a meaning in it to correspond to almost any situation, funnily enough it was really quite spot on - for both the silliness factor of the disappearing card, and also for where I was at emotionally/mentally that day.