I'm torn between 2 decks


I only have a RWS deck,it's been my only deck since I was 18. I love my RWS,I feel as I've grown to know it quite well. I can actually feel this "personality" alot of other people claim their cards have with my RWS.

I feel as if I've come to the point I can actually get to know another deck,and two have grabbed my attention. The Quest Tarot really yelled at me with that death card,WOW that's a hot death card! (I'm all about the image-computer graphics rock!) I researched it,and it's like a Ouija board somewhat,being able to answer yes/no and spell words. Not really concerned about that,but hey what a fun time! The other one is The Halloween Tarot. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday,and this deck yelled at me,too. I could go either way,I really don't want to buy both at once though. I like to spend time with my deck and learn it,whether it takes me 12 years a deck or not. LOL

Does anyone own either? Maybe share some perks? :)


I love The Halloween Tarot

Hello :) blind1 ~ Greetings to a fellow Illinoisan!

You may want to check out:

The Quest Tarot
Overstock Price: $21.92
Save: $13.03 (37%)

The Halloween Tarot
Overstock Price: $11.12
Save: $6.88 (38%)

The Halloween Tarot Deck and Book Set
Overstock Price: $18.18
Save: $10.82 (37%)

And shipping is only a couple of bucks max! ;)


You rock!! Thanks! Everywhere else I looked the Quest was a bit pricey,close to fifty bucks! I seriously think I'm going to get both. :D


Good going!! As we all know, the more the better! :)


Oh that's wonderful!!! I have the Quest but haven't worked with it much. It definitely is gorgeous and there is a lot to keep you busy- maybe even for 12 years!!! I'm still learning the very basics of tarot so I figured the quest will suit me later when I'm ready for it- but you sound ready for it.

Halloween is also my favorite holiday yet I don't have that deck.

Good luck to you!!!And have lots of fun :)

Love and Light,



I have both of these decks. The Quest is an interesting deck and some of the cards are amazing, but for some reason it doesn't always speak to me as much as others do and I find it hard to read with. So, it stays tucked away. The Halloween tarot is fun. No computer graphic style to it, but it is very traditional and almost antique looking because the oranges are slightly muted-like pumpkin pie, rather than a bright orange. It is a very easy deck to read with. I love mine, but not sure I would use it as often as other decks that are not holiday specific. I do pull it out and use it off season, but just not as much other decks. However, if you get the Halloween, definitely get the book, since you love the holiday so much. It is great fun!

Might I suggest peeking at another since you like computer graphics (this sort of fits in the field) and RWS style decks? Have you looked at the Gilded? It is one of those decks that can keep you busy for ages (and comes with a book) and I think one of the nicest decks out there for doing readings.


I had both the Quest and Halloween. Of the two I would say get the Halloween, but HearthCrickets suggestion of the Gilded is a great choice!. If you like bright colors, and nudity does not bother you another great computer graphic deck is the Cosmic Tribe. It is more based on the Thoth than the RWS, but it is very evocative. You might also want to check out the Magic Realist Press decks (Tarot of Prague, Baroque Bohemian Cats, and the Victorian Romantic). The art in these decks is exquisite, and the accompanying books are really good.

I had really been anticipating the Quest when it came out, but I was dissapointed when I got it. The Chariot card blew it for me I think. Also I think they tried to combine too many systems into the deck (crystals, astrology, kabalah, and I think there were a few more).

The Halloween tarot is adorable.


Well I had to pick one or the other for now,and money is tight so for the time being I got the Halloween deck. What a beautiful fun deck! I read the book and I must have it at my side (and the little cheater pamplet :p) otherwise I'm lost until I learn it all. :D

I got it yesterday,and I only had my RWS deck when the thread about decks having personalities came about,so I couldn't comment. I've read a few times with it since yesterday and to me this deck says "ok,no sugar coating,here's the beef!" My RWS deck seemed to always be 'polite' and a little vague. lol I can easily read reversals with this deck,too. This deck reminds me of a child with that oh-so-cute blunt honesty. I love it! :)

6 Haunted Days

I have had the Halloween tarot for 8 years I adore it! It's fun, whimsical and and is quite deep. The imagery is old time halloween and if you love Halloween I am sure this will be the perfect deck....


Personally, I'd spend the extra money and get the Quest Tarot. The computer graphics are just plain amazing, first of all. Secondly, There's a LOT more to this deck than just tarot. It utilizes the I Ching, Runes, A system for yes/no anwsers, a system to dictate time (though I haven't tried the system out yet). The court cards though is what caught my attention. They can easily tell you eye, hair and skin tone for people.

This isn't exactly a deck for beginners, but I'd highly reccomend it for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of tarot and other divinations in a fairly accessible user format.