Imagining the oracle version of Circo

The Happy Squirrel

I came across the Circo Tarot and thought to myself: wouldn't these guys make a good oracle deck....??

I am excited just thinking about it :D In my imagination, the reading cards won't have any title, and we free to use it however we want for self reflection or other things!!

The Happy Squirrel

Sorry was going to then got distracted. Hold on a sec.

The Happy Squirrel

I am thinking, if they don't already have an in-house person to provide the structure and theme of this hypothetical oracle deck, who would be our wish list writer for it...... I am not familiar with oracle authors but I can see that some of them are just not our style. Either too fluffy or too righteous. Or whatever else. I honestly can't think of anyone who I would love to be the person to provide the structure for it. However, I keep going back to fairy tales and folktales as a huge and rich source of wisdom and contemplation, spanning across the ages.

I would love to have a folklore expert working with them to cover various stories from across the globe and across the centuries!!

Edit: Apparently creating an oracle deck isn't out of the question for the folks at Tightrope!