Insight on Potential Relationship Spread


Hello Aeclectic! It sure has been a while!

Now that college is winding down for me, I have more time to be involved with tarot! I not too long ago created this spread to gain insight on a potential relationship. It worked very, very well for me, and I hope it will do the same for you!

_[ 3 ]_[ 4 ]_
_[ a ]_[ b ]_
It ended up looking like a heart, ha ha!
3, 4, a, and b are placed horizontally.
I personally reading without reversals with this spread (mainly because of the horizontal cards), but if you are more comfortable reading that way there should be no problem!

1. What [person] thinks about me
2. What I think about [person]
3. What [person] wants for us
4. What I want for us
5, 6, 7. Actions I can take to get [person] to be romantically interested in me (if you're looking for something subtler, or just a friendship, these 3 can be actions you can take to get the person wanting a friendship, etc.)
8, 9, 0. Something I should be aware of regarding _____ (pick something different for each card. For example, if you are pursuing a long-distance relationship, one of these three cards can be "Something I should be aware of regarding our distance from each other")
a, b. Actions I must take to get [person] to be romantically interested in me (like 5, 6, and 7, these can be altered if you're looking for a different kind of relationship)
c. The end result ("what will ultimately become of our relationship")

I hope you find this helpful! Please let me know if you are confused about any of the cards in this spread! And thank you for reading!


Looks very interesting. I'm gonna give this spread a whirl and post my results. Thanks for posting this :)


Relationship Insight Spread


I'm relatively new to tarot and just tried Wingspread's tarot spread. It's amazing, thank you! Heading over to "Your readings" to help interpret what I found. In my novice opinion it looks quite accurate indeed!