interesting dream


hello everyone,

i tried doing search on wolves, but i could not seem to find same situation that i had in my dream.
i dreamt that i was at my old high school and that my son was currently going there for his elementary school. well i had some business with the administration office and then when i was done, i walked out of the school building and saw women that i had went to school with, so here i am thirty something years old and i see the women, but they look about 70 years old. they were wearing all black and dark sunglasses. as i was walking down the sidewalk, i noticed one of the girls was walking next to a large, light grey dog. as i was walking closer, i was shocked to see that it was a wolf! it cowered in front of me and crawled until i passed by it. in my dream i was wearing a skirt and carrying a book of my son's. i put the book behind my leg, to prevent the wolf from smelling my leg. strange reaction, but i did. then i looked to the side of me and saw two wolves attacking each other, growling and jumping on one another and i just continued to walk by.
it was the strangest thing to see. i just did not know how to interpret the actions of all these wolves. i read online that wolves are presenting a message, but then, why would one of the wolves cower away from me, which is very shocking and the other two just continue on with their fighting?
anyone with any idea on what this dream could mean? thanks to all who respond.


The best 'reasons' are in our own brain, not the books or lists online, so it's best to look inside first.

The wolves fighting for social dominance can be tied in to you & your school friends who seem ages old to you now, like they've matured & gone past you, but have lost all their youth doing it.

the other wolf that cowered, I think his/her connection was to the girl--you don't mention much at all about her. Find out her meaning, and you see her 'reactions' by what the wolf did. Maybe then that part can make sense? Go with the strongest feeling in your mind, because this is what your subconscious would be using.


wolves are pack animals.

i wonder if you might be in a situation where you don't want to join in on the negativity of 'the crowd', that is around you. (the others being aged and wearing black). you do not want to participate in the in-fighting.

the cowering wolf may have represented your being stronger or above all the negativity. you however, feared being noticed (smelling being a means of recognition) by them. if not a fear of you being noticed, perhaps the fear that they would recognise your not wanting to join in the fighting. the book being used also made me think you were intellectually above the pettiness.

i think the reason it may have included former classmates is that a situation you are now in, reminded you of high school or even grade school behaviors.

...unless this has anything to do with your son's teachers, his school administrators or other parents?


One activity that might reveal the dreams 'message' is to look at everyone and everything in the dream as an aspect of yourself. What would each person and each wolf represent, as a part of you?

What are the current issues you are dealing with? What are the conflicts you are feeling? Do the characters in the dream fit with feelings and thoughts you are having?

The important thing, of course, is gaining clarity, clarity about yourself.

What i do is take a blank piece of drawing paper and jot down any ideas that come to mind... i may put arrows and circle things and draw pictures. I don't edit it, i just let it flow. surprisingly, i start to see what wasn't clear before.

Maybe that will help.... :)