Intuitive Reading: CArds Pairing Off


Hey Folks,

As the title says, this reading started out completely intuitively. I just kept drawing cards until my gut said stop (the 5th card was a jumper and the bottom card was the 6th and final). The question involved a specific friend with whom I'm feeling an internal conflict; we've shared some really deep personal talks lately and I'm grateful for it, but I just wanted to make sure I was doing my part well in the friendship, including giving him his space to live his busy life: married with two kids, working etc, so I asked for some general guidance with him in mind. As I said, my gut told me to stop by pulling the bottom card as my 6th and final, and I realized as I look at all 6 cards, they really made sense in pairs to me as what they represented. I'll list them individually first and interpret them, then explain why I think they make sense in pairs (using the Fountain Tarot which uses "Coins" for Pentacles, but I'll say Pentacles cause it's more common and I just like it lol) I also started typing every interpretation out with "I feel" but deleted them all as of course it's my lens:

Knight of Wands: This represents my energy, not as a significator per se, but the energy I've been bringing to our recent talks. Rapid, fiery communication (very Eight of Wands-like as well, but the knight is like a person) and wanting to come to him quickly and passionately with new thoughts.

Ten of Cups: This represents his energy; the "happy home" card, what his priorities and energy are. My internal conflict centered around feeling like I was a pain in the neck for messaging too much or saying too much. This gave me a reminder to think about his circumstances as a married father of 2 young boys and that they're his first priority.

Two of Pentacles: This was an interesting one for me and I had to look up its general meaning again (having to do with juggling things etc) to get my intuition going on this one. Basically this one reminded me of one of my weaknesses, which is to see things as all good or all bad, and this reminded me a) to choose positive or negative and b) that things aren't black and white, they exist together just like the jester juggling his two pentacles.

Seven of Pentacles: This is a card I've been getting to know more recently, and I see it in a way akin to the Four of Swords or Nine of Wands: Taking a step back, reassessing, seeing what good is there and maybe letting that alleviate my stress (Sidebar: in another general reading of 10 cards, the Nine of Swords and Eight of Wands got paired together-- so I feel that this 2P/7P pairing is re-articulating that for me).

Ten of Wands: This was my jumper card, and, coincidentally, the "overall energy" from the bottom of the deck in the other reading I briefly mentioned. This told me, somewhat specifically (personifying the card): "Your passion is fiery and good, but don't let it burden or stress you. End the stress. This friendship is as strong and building itself as you are strong and building yourself, carrying the ten wands." It's an empowering, comforting message for me.

The Star: The bottom card from the deck, which my gut told me to pull and stop. I can't think of a better card to end my reading. It's a re-articulation for me that everything's good and well, and it's a major arcana. I'm practically bouncing with glee as I write this. Thank you, spirit, God, angels, guides, and cards!

As I looked at these 6 cards holistically, again, their energies seemed to naturally pair off for this friendship reading. The Knight of Wands/Ten of Cups were my energy and my friend's, the Two of Pentacles and Seven of Pentacles were my weakness/crux of the internal conflict and how to face it down and move forward, respectively, and the Ten of Wands and The Star were my overall advice. Would love any feedback and further interpretations and/or thoughts on if you've all had cards pair off intuitively without plans to draw them that way.

P.S. As it turns out, while I was typing this, my friend texted me back saying everything's just fine :D Also sorry for the typo in the title!
