Intuitive Tarot-First impressions


When I first saw this deck, the Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway, I thought it was a deck of movement, vibrancy. I love the fact that the pictures are in sort of an oval shaped frame. The colors are beautiful and the images quite expressive. I didn't know it when I got them, but the images are a bit "Thothy", which I happen to love.


Well the majors are largely patterned after the Thoth interpreted by the artist, not really copied so it feels as a new creation made out of known building materials.

To me the oval shape and the colors reminded me of the egg and it’s symbol (the new life not yet born but already there in it’s full potential, ready to burst into the real world after breaking the shell with puts its in a world separated from ours – a bit as the archetypes represented on tarot cards are from a higher reality but materialising in ours)



Is anyone still interested in a study group for this deck? I just got my hands on and am having a wonderful time getting to know the cards ... I would love to participate in a group dedicated to it.


I'm interested in reading about it and participating as much as I can. I'm not completely devoted atm, but I'll chime in when I can. I do love this deck, and haven't given it enough attn.

Start some posts if you like, I'm sure others will respond at some point.


I have just fallen in love with this deck! I just found it at Borders. This deck has been on my Amazon wishlist for awhile now, but I didn't buy it because I was on the fence...but seeing the cards in person wow.

Looking through the cards in person I am already smitten with the imagery. It is vibrant, yet gentle. The art does have a very Thoth flavor to it without (in my opinion) the hardness or the symbolism of the Thoth. I just haven't been called to the Thoth, maybe one day, but this is Thoth-like but really stands on its own.

It is absolutely beautiful! It is breathtaking!

The watercolors have a dreamlike quality to them, I could seriously just stare for quite awhile and let my mind wander. They are so fluid! I'm always reading with the Morgan Greer, I'm a diehard MG fan! MG images are colorful and bold...but fluid isn't a word I would use for that deck. There isn't the movement with the MG that there is with the Intuitive!
And I'm so shocked because I'm not into pastels! I'm not usually into subtle, into dreamy or dreamlike decks. This is heaven!!!

From a tactile perspective it isn't heavily laminated at all, in fact it is rather grainy feeling as it doesn't have the lamination. The cards shuffle like a dream!

So far I am very taken with the Magician, the Lovers, the ace Cups, the 4 rods, 8 rods, 7 swords, and 2 pentacles.

I could just gush and gush! My heart is beating rapidly. Intuitive Tarot, where have you been all my life????????:love: :love: :love:


Oh minrice, it's like you've been reading my mind.

I just love the colors and curviness/waviness of the images. They are so soothing. It seems all of my favorite decks (artwork wise) have lots of circles and spirals, such as Pearls of Wisdom, Guardians of Wisdom, Cat People and Celtic Wisdom (although I cannot read the Celtic Wisdom and it frustrates me so). The Intuitive is dreamy, and for me peaceful.

So I can absolutely relate to your gushiness. Thank you for sharing it :)

Le Fanu

minrice said:
I have just fallen in love with this deck! I just found it at Borders. This deck has been on my Amazon wishlist for awhile now, but I didn't buy it because I was on the fence...but seeing the cards in person wow.

Looking through the cards in person I am already smitten with the imagery. It is vibrant, yet gentle. The art does have a very Thoth flavor to it without (in my opinion) the hardness or the symbolism of the Thoth. I just haven't been called to the Thoth, maybe one day, but this is Thoth-like but really stands on its own.

It is absolutely beautiful! It is breathtaking!

The watercolors have a dreamlike quality to them, I could seriously just stare for quite awhile and let my mind wander. They are so fluid! I'm always reading with the Morgan Greer, I'm a diehard MG fan! MG images are colorful and bold...but fluid isn't a word I would use for that deck. There isn't the movement with the MG that there is with the Intuitive!
And I'm so shocked because I'm not into pastels! I'm not usually into subtle, into dreamy or dreamlike decks. This is heaven!!!

From a tactile perspective it isn't heavily laminated at all, in fact it is rather grainy feeling as it doesn't have the lamination. The cards shuffle like a dream!

So far I am very taken with the Magician, the Lovers, the ace Cups, the 4 rods, 8 rods, 7 swords, and 2 pentacles.

I could just gush and gush! My heart is beating rapidly. Intuitive Tarot, where have you been all my life????????:love: :love: :love:
I so agree with you minrice. I just don't undertand why this deck isn't more adored. It was a deck I kept seeing on clearance/discounted and maybe unconsciously got a bit snooty about it, thinking it was a beginners deck (something to do with the blurb on the box I think). Or a bit 90s New Agey.. I dunno..

But this deck is so fabulous. I absolutely adore mine. I have two - which took me by surprise a bit, as I normally need to get more familiar with a deck before buying a 2nd copy. But with this one, I just knew as soon as I opened it, that this was a deck I would love for the rest of my life, even if I wasn't going to use it every single day. So I promptly went back and bought another after I'd opened it outside the bookstore!

But the more I look at it (I have had it for a year or so), the more I love it. It has been fast-tracked to "bedside decks" (only the select few get this). It has a beautiful bag and I get it out and read with it more and more.

I love the swirliness, I love the artwork, slightly erotic but not tacky. There is nudity, male nudity, female nudity, and it feels so right. I love the gentle Thothiness, I love the stiff, crisp cardstock. Some of the images feel so fresh; like The Fool (so hard to make that image fresh). I have always identified with the King of Swords in a deck and the Intuitive King of Swords is exactly how I think a King of Swords should be; high forehead, aquiline nose, staring at the sky and thinking intensely!!

I look at this deck and I think to myself "This should have been the first deck I bought. I wish it had been around when I was starting out. This is tarot in a nutshell." I just don't understand why it doesn't get recommended more. Everyone immediately thinks of Hanson Roberts and Robin Wood, when this deck is so vivid, hallucinatory, visionary and rewarding I think.

I am not volunteering for a study group, though would post if I saw posts on the deck, but I just wanted to add my voice, yes minrice! isn't it fabulous!!