ISO Thoth Tarot Book


Recently, while at a Barnes and Noble in NYC, I saw a book there that was written for the Thoth Tarot. I live in Los Angeles so I can't go back and check on the title very easily. ;) I am sorry I didnt write the title down and I can't find it anywhere here. But what struck me as unusual about this PAPERBACK book was the list price. It was about 35 dollars!! Which is why I didnt get it. However, I am still curious about it and I hope someone here knows which book I am talking about. It was written for users of the Thoth tarot, and it explained the symbology behind each card and also gave yes and no answers for each card (for those using the deck to ask a yes or no question).

Can anyone please help me locate it online? I'm thinking maybe I'll have luck ordering it online.



Bless you! :) I am almost positive that is the one. :) Same content, only slightly different layout. List price is cheaper. In NYC, I might;ve seen an older copy or it might've been an import copy.

Thanks for finding it! :)