Justice: How the Relationship Will Evolve


The other night I did "The Revealer" spread (which, I believe, I learned from this forum) regarding a friend and myself. This friend and I have been close for years and I developed strong romantic feelings for him. When I told him how I felt, he wasn't sure he felt the same way. Now our relationship is not the same, and I'm not sure if it ever will be.

The question I asked (while using the Tarot of Prague) was in regards to our current situation and what's to come for us, as I've no idea what he's truly feeling. Many of the cards made sense to me, except for the last one. (I am still learning tarot, and sometimes I fret I'm interpreting the cards too positively or too negatively and otherwise not how they are.)

1 - As I am now - Ace of Pentacles: I am on the brink of something new, perhaps distracting myself with everyday matters and more focusing on my career and other practicalities (which I am).

2 - As he is now - Star: I read this card as he is hopeful that our situation will be improve, that he is intent on eventual recovery as much as I am.

3 - How he feels about us - Six of Swords: Due to the circumstances, he is feeling blue and dealing with any troubles privately. He, too, is taking time to figure the situation out on his own.

4 - What he thinks about us - Two of Pentacles: He and I are very close and often think alike, and he has commented previously that he likes how we "share the same mind." I think this card reflects that.

5 - What he keeps from me - The Devil: Part of his reluctance was due to his anxiety and depression about relationships overall, and this card suggests that, but I feel that "The Devil" shows that there may be a lot that he is keeping from me.

6 - What he reveals to me - King of Pentacles: Someone who is responsible, successful and has it all together.

7 - How the relationship will evolve - Justice: This is the card I find most confusing. The LWB says "clear decision making, cause and effect, consequences"... I'm not sure what to make of this. I worry that this card is punishment for me telling him how I feel.

Any help would be great. Thank you!

Ace of Cups

1 - As I am now - Ace of Pentacles: Your question was about a relationship... so try to keep the card's meaning connected to that. I would interpret this as a new beginning on a tangible level - on the physical plane. I.e. now that your feelings are out in the open, the potential of this thing you created is out there on the physical plane. It's no longer just an "idea" (Ace of Sw) or a new "feeling" (Ace of Cups) etc..

2 - As he is now - Star: He's hoping you can work something out (but that could just mean staying on a friendship level)

3 - How he feels about us - Six of Swords: Wants to walk away.. I'm not getting the feeling that he wants the kind of relationship you do.

4 - What he thinks about us - Two of Pentacles: He has to juggle the past with the present... the old and the new.. now that you've opened up a new can of worms, he's trying to deal with both sides of the issue. "How do I stay friends with *** in the midst of all this new information?"

5 - What he keeps from me - The Devil: He has unresolved issues.. fears, obsessions, insecurities, past hurts etc...

6 - What he reveals to me - King of Pentacles: Someone who is responsible, successful and has it all together. Yes - he wants you to think he's got his act together and is successful on the material plane.

7 - How the relationship will evolve - Justice: You are never "punished" for being truthful. Justice here I think is about trying to find a compromise (just like the scales which balance back and forth..) I think your friend likes you as a person but just isn't ready or wanting the kind of relationship YOU want. So what this card is telling me is that if you want to remain in a friendship relationship with him, you will have to find middle ground. Find a way that you can co-exist without making each other uncomfortable. You may need to cool off emotionally and look for emotional fulfillment elsewhere whereas your friend will need to warm back up to you emotionally as a FRIEND once he feels safe that you won't misinterpret his intentions. Whatever's holding your friend back (his issues, ie The Devil) it's not YOUR problem. It's his. Let him take responsibility for those and you focus on your own.

Not knowing either of you - I could be way off.. but this is what I'm intuitively getting from this spread. Hope it helps! And if not, then find whatever resonates with you and see if that opens up any insight for you...


Justice could also indicate that the eventual recovery (or otherwise) of your friendship will be dependent on whether a) you can let go of romantic feelings that he simple doesn't reciprocate, b) put in a decent effort into maintaining an even friendship without recriminations towards him or yourself, c) not put *too* much effort into it (as this will seem to him as if you are trying to win him over into a romantic entanglement, he feels weird enough already, judging by the cards that have come out).