King of Cups/6 of Cups: Y/N?


I did a Celtic Cross using RWS asking whether I'll be with my ex again. It was the first time I did a CC with a yes or no question.

Card #10 was the King of Cups clarified by the 6 of Cups.
I consider 6ofC as a reunion/reconciliation card, but it was a clarification card for the King of Cups and I can't tell if it changes something. The King shares some characteristics with the person in question,who is a Scorpio (although I almost never bear zodiacs in mind), but I believe he is a positive King regarding relationship and emotional issues.

#6 was 3 of Cups, I believe I can expect good things to happen and celebrate for in the near future?

what troubles me more is #7 The High Priestess and #8 the 4 of Pentacles that are quite opposite to me.
The HP is open to the unknown, trusting the inner voice and intuition, sees beyond what can be seen, I can identify myself with her in this case. But I see the 4ofP resisting to change or the unknown, being stubborn and not willing to change.

#9 was 4 of Cups, obviously my fear that I won't have a chance with him, or my hope that suddenly a chance will be offered.

Rest of the cards: #1 The World, maybe I am in a good position and I don't know it. I feel good with myself after some time that I didn't.
#2 8 of Cups, my problem that I can't move on with my life is because I just can't let it go.
#4 6 of Swords I am better every day, I now sail on calm waters and I managed to feel more peaceful and not too attached to the issue.
#5 8 of Swords that's me, a while ago, feeling powerless and unable to do anything.

Any ideas?


Moderator note

Hi Animor,

Please take a look at the Your Readings posting rules HERE (click).

This forum is for posting complete readings, not part readings; it is really difficult to take a few cards from a spread like a Celtic Cross and interpret them without the context of the rest of the spread.
Please add the rest of the reading: Cards, positional meanings and your interpretation.
Could you also tell us the deck you used?

Could other posters please wait till this has been done?


Sulis - Your Readings co-moderator


I edited it!


What do the positional meanings mean? There are loads of versions of the Celtic Cross out there and they're all different. For example id #4 past, present, future, blockage or anything else?

Could you also please go back and put the cards in order? You're asking for help and it's really hard for people to visualise this reading if the first cards are posted last. Take a look at the posting rules that I've already linked to to see how best to set out a post here to help others to help you.

Something like:

1. Situation - xxx - interpretation
2. Challenge - Card xxx - interpretation

or list the cards and their positions at the top then your interpretation underneath.

Again, could other posters please wait?

Sulis - moderator


To be honest, I think throwing ten cards to attempt to answer a Yes/No question is overkill. But as a learning experience forum, these are the energies I think these cards would be trying to impart to me if I had drawn them (I will try to reconstruct them for clarity):

Animor said:
I did a Celtic Cross using RWS asking whether I'll be with my ex again. It was the first time I did a CC with a yes or no question.

1. Situation--World
The current position is that the relationship has already come full circle and has ended, but you still need some closure in the situation.

2. Cross--8 of Cups
Someone walked away in search of something better.

3. Foundation--can't find a card listed for it

4. I think you are using this as your Crown card--6 of Swords
The best you can probably hope for in this situation will be to move on and find something better for yourself, as well.

5. Recent past--8 of Swords
Unfortunately, you are still anxious about this past relationship and probably spend a lot of sad thoughts about its demise.

6. Near Future--3 of Cups
You may come back together with this person in the near future--but only in friendship. Perhaps you'll meet up with him for a drink or at a party.

7. Self/Answer--High Priestess
But you need to use better intuition about this situation. Your ex is gone because, although your relationship wasn't horrible, he felt there was someone better suited for him whom he felt he needed to search for.

8. External Influences--4 of Pentacles

9. Hope/Fears (Obstacle/Gate)--4 of Cups
A pair of fours in a spread often suggests that something is stagnant and even unhealthy in a way. So, these two fours would make me think that your hopes for reconciliation are keeping you stuck and unable to move on as he has done.

Singularly, the Four of Pentacles suggests that your ex is closed off to you, and the Four of Cups suggests that boredom and apathy may be the reason or the affect of that, which will prevent your desire from happening.

10. Outcome--King of Cups clarified by the 6 of Cups
Your future need will be to search the depths of your feelings in order to deal with the fond memories you have of this man--and (in combination with the rest of the cards in the spread) find a way to relegate your thoughts about him to the realm of memory.

It may even be suggesting that some other man from your past with whom you had an emotional bond will come forward to help you find the closure you need from this relationship with your ex (as signified by the World in the situation position.)

In short, I would say that the overall answer to your question would be No, you and your ex will not be together again, at least not in the way you were in the past and that you seemngly would like to be again in the future. But that is just what I would pull out of all the energies in this spread. I maintain that tarot doesn't do well at answering Yes/No questions...and this may be an illustration of why that is so.

Edited to add:

Another point worth making about this spread is that it contains no Wands (unless the missing card was one.) So, there is no (or very little) energy or will to bring your desire to fruition at the moment, also emphasizing that it probably won't happen.