knight of cups and the world


i feel like these cards are a great combination and am trying to think of how they work together, especially in future/outcome positions in a spread.

i see the knight of cups generally as something/someone coming into your life that will be very positive, and loving. potentially it can be in regards to love/romance or maybe have something to do with creativity/artistic endeavors. new beginnings/relationships/opportunities are all something i see in this card.

the world i can see as either the end of something or new beginnings. however, if combined with the knight of cups (unless other cards say otherwise) i would say the emphasis is on new beginnings, ideal surroundings, the feeling as tho you've arrived, some new opportunites have been presented to you and you feel as if youve started a whole new chapter in your life.

so new beginnings to me is something i can see in both of these cards together.

any other thoughts on this combination?


***A romantic idealist achieving their dream?


He's crazy about this woman, he wants to sweep this woman off her feet, and truly express how he feel about her in every way possible, he has deep feelings for her and almost cant help himself...its just natural to him. The only problem is...she's out of his league, not for him, and he has her on a pedestal. She's tantalizing down to a T... not intentionally! She doesnt require chivalry and the great romantic gesture to have her but all he knows is this approach but he knows there is a possibility that this approach wont work so his feelings are on the line. He may be hesitant as well. He knows that his feelings for her moves him and if he can obtain her he feels/thinks/ or believes that he has harnessed the world.


willowfox, I love that!

On an Arthurian theme, maybe a certain Knight, while traveling through the forest, beholds a vision of a mysterious Goddess (World).