Knight of Swords



I did a reading recently (which I posted in another part of the forum) and am struggling with this court card.

I see the Knight of Swords as someone of quick mind and short temper. They are all about logic/ideas and are the counterpart to the Knight of Cups. They indicate swift movement in circumstances as well as thought. Everything is planned in advance. I see them almost as a symbol of rigidity, in that they can be seen as self-centered for their adherence to their own logic.

What other things can be associated with the Knight of Swords?



Everything you said plus I have often find that element of cruelty has played out when I get this sword. It can be unintentional as this is the energy of rushing in without considering the emotional landscape. It can be intentional as this is a thinking Knight and emotions are simply considered as useless and getting in the way of the end desired.


Thank you Alta for your feedback. The element of cruelty you mentioned (due to disregarding emotions) makes a lot of sense. I will add that to my profile of this particular court card.


I find they're tactless. They assume they're intelligent so they never think things through, just acting on their first impulse, saying (and often doing) inappropriate things at times.

They also like to be rescuers, playing the Knight In Shining Armour even when their help is very much not wanted.

Ruby Jewel


I did a reading recently (which I posted in another part of the forum) and am struggling with this court card.

I see the Knight of Swords as someone of quick mind and short temper. They are all about logic/ideas and are the counterpart to the Knight of Cups. They indicate swift movement in circumstances as well as thought. Everything is planned in advance. I see them almost as a symbol of rigidity, in that they can be seen as self-centered for their adherence to their own logic.

What other things can be associated with the Knight of Swords?


Knight of Swords is Gemini. You wouldn't be far off if you think Magician, Trickster, Juggler...etc.


Hi Ruby Jewel,

I knew that the Swords suit was linked to the sign of Gemini. I never thought about its connection to the Magician however. I'll have to research into that.

Trickster I can see. I think that fits more closely into my reading.

Thank you for your input!



I find they're tactless. They assume they're intelligent so they never think things through, just acting on their first impulse, saying (and often doing) inappropriate things at times.

They also like to be rescuers, playing the Knight In Shining Armour even when their help is very much not wanted.

Sorry nisaba, I almost skipped over your post.
Bad bad me. :grin:

That makes soooo much sense as a reverse/dark side meaning to me. The assumed intelligence and impulsiveness/inappropriate behavior fit in perfectly with the Gemini association. And helping when not wanted...that is a perfect way to put it. Just because they THINK you need help, they barge into your life. Brilliant.

Thanks much,
