Large Marseille


Is there a version of the woodcut Marseille that has larger cards, as big as the Golden Visconti-Sforza, large Thoth, or even Giant RWS?


There's a majors only by Comas that is 166 x 78mm


I was racking my brain trying to think of any "large" 78 card Marseille decks and there just aren't any. The Mantegna came to mind, but that's a different type altogether; and there are at least a half dozen really nice majors only decks out there. Then it hit me! The Grand Tarot Belline! A gorgeous, gilded beauty.

As a side note, The Tarot Garden has a full English translation on-line for this deck.


Thanks! Majors only is just fine too. In fact I think I'd prefer Majors only if the Minors are just pips.


Lo Scarabeo did a Majors only large Marseilles which is still available via the Book Depository:

Width: 81 mm
Height: 145 mm
Thickness: 13 mm
Weight: 91 g

ISBNISBN 13: 9780738732411
ISBN 10: 0738732419

:) :) :)


Is there a version of the woodcut Marseille that has larger cards, as big as the Golden Visconti-Sforza, large Thoth, or even Giant RWS?

I have a Tarot de Marseille, Majors-only, that in its original packaging looks alarmingly like a family-sized block of chocolate. It's the gilded one by Daniel Rodes and Encarna Sanchez. It's bigger than the large Thoth and Golden Visconti by a fair factor, but smaller than the Cary-Yale Visconti, so I didn't really notice it as a large deck until just now. What I tend to notice about it, is how very golden it is. :)


I love the Lo Scarabeo and Sanchez Majors! Just what I was thinking of! Since I'm on lockdown, hopefully they'll still be around and affordable in a few years.