Leaving the Moon Year, Going Into the Sun - What's It Like?


I've had a really, really rough, emotional, confusing, bewildering, not-so-good year. My Moon Year was rough, but it's almost done! I'm finally moving into my Sun Card year as of next week, and I wanted to know what kind of a year I can expect.

I hope I figured it out right, my birthday is March 7, 1972.

Anyone having a Sun year? Any thoughts/input/suggestion...hope? :)



I haven't had a Sun year, but it sounds like a good time to either view the DVD "The Secret" or read the book.


What was hidden in the dark and looked awfully imposing and threatening in the moonlight is revealed to be nothing more than a pile of books with a coat thrown on top in the corner of your room when the sun comes up. A Sun year will, I should think, reveal unfounded fears and be a time when you gain confidence and enthusiasm for living life genuinely and with a sense of optimism. Sounds like you will come out of hiding, bringing all that you learned in your moon year with you.


I read recently that your personal year card indicates the tests, lessons and experiences you will go through during a particular year. The Moon lessons have been tough, and I hated it.

The Sun? What are it's lessons/tests/experiences? I'm hoping for a much better year. I've also watched "The Secret," Lyric. Have the book, haven't read it.

Still not sure, aside from what MM said, what the Sun card may look like? Am I being too "optimistic" to think it'll be an excellent, fun, happy, and productive year? The Moon was moody, emotional, rather hermit-like, living in fear, living in the dark, afraid to do anything, afraid to take steps in any direction...ok, it was awful.

May I have a good year now?



My SUN card day is here.

Now what? What's it gonna be like? I hated the Moon. UGH.