Lenormand Books


Any thoughts on good reading material for the Lenormand?


I have 2.

The Secrets of the Lenormand Oracle- by Sylvie Steinbach


The Game of Destiny: Fortune Telling with Lenormand Cards- by Mario dos Ventos

I like both- for different reasons. When I want to really dig into interactions and so forth, I pull out Sylvie's book. When I want a quick reference- Mario's book is super easy and fast, much easier than plowing through Sylvie's book.

I am also waiting for Marcus Katz's book to come out in May. :) There is also one coming out by Patrick Dunn in July that looks at intuitive readings. Those are the only paperback books in English that I know of. There are more in other languages, but these will be enough for me. :)

I also have the PDF downloads from Britta, but don't use them as much because I prefer the books over looking at the computer. But if you are interested, you can download them from here: http://www.fortune-telling-lenormand.com/brittas-cards.phtml


I'd wait for Andybc's book. I had Sylvie's and couldn't return it fast enough.

There are a few due out soon so it's probably best to hold off or order the Treppner course.


Im looking forward to the NEW one coming out in May as it seems very informative etc. :)

As for Sylvie's book I find the NO LAY OUT SPREAD is quite on to it and easy enough to answer SPECIFIC questions with KEY CARDS, however, the book can be very confusing and even if you did her course it isnt always helpful to understand the book. NOT AT ALL.

Also, I have interacted with her a number of times and she is not flexible with certain things, it is her way or no way at all when it comes to learning her methodology which is fair enough only some things are lacking with what she has written like she needs more in depth meanings to the "pairs", how to deal with "gay" questions and cards for "gay" people, the need for more in depth discussions with areas like: Astrology, Past Lives, Astral Projection etc.

However, if you can get passed the grammar mistakes and certain descriptions being a bit out, it is a good way to look at a different way to read the cards outside of the GT even though you might not quite get the gist of things at times as it isnt straight forward in her book to follow.

Personally, I cant wait for this book coming out in May 2013. Hope it is as good as I have seen written about it in one thread. :)

PS There is a thread on here somewhere about this book coming out soon, so check in the ORACLES area.


Thank you for the input. I do think I'll wait for the new titles to be released. Definitely something to look forward to.