Linoleum Decks


Having recently come across the World Sprit deck and the Light and Shadow deck which are made using Linoleum and block printing, I'm curious as to whether there are any other decks made in the same way.

I really like the type of artwork and also appreciate the difficulty in its construction, particularly because one false move in the cutting can render the whole card useless... time to start over again.

Light and Shadow

World Spirit


This is not a tarot deck but it is done with lino cutting:

Mirrors of the Heart by Lily S. May

There is a thread here on the forum about it and some scans and a review at tarot passages.


The Wollenhaupt-Brenner Tarot seems to be a deck made with linoleum block printing also, but I can't find any information on it's construction.


Thanks Rusty and Gerbear, I wonder how many other decks using this method are around.

I notice that TarotGarden has pictures of the Wollenhaupt-Brenner. Not sure the link goes straight to them so here's an attachment: