Looking for Spreads for 2 situations


Hi Group. I have been searching the forum, but I can't find what I need. I know someone will be able to pinpoint it, or make up something I can use because you guys are so great. I have tried to work with a different tarot group and I have to say that you guys are so wonderful here. Okay, now that I have everyone buttered up ;0)

I have been w/ my b/f for about 2 1/2 years and we used to have a great sex life. He has gone through some depression which I understand can stop the sex, but now things are much better, but still no sex. I want a spread that will help me understand the problem and if there is something I can do about it--if so, what? He is turning 41 in September so I even wonder if it is an age thing. I understand that some men slow down about then, but I just don't feel like it is. Anyway, that is the first issue.

Next. . . I am an elementary school teacher and I teach 3rd grade. There are 4 of us in my grade level and one of us is moving from 4th grade this year. She is very dynamic and is trying to get everyone together as a team to work on units simultaneously. I love this idea because we can bounce activities and ideas off each other and share the glory when our students are the best in the whole school!! One of the teachers apparently is friends with a teacher in fourth grade that doesn't like the other teacher in our grade. Now we have a conflict and I feel like I have to take sides. I am looking for a spread that will direct me to how to handle this situation. I don't want to take any side, which may leave me out completely. Perhaps that would be the best thing. I don't know. Any ideas on a spread for guidance on this issue?

I hope I have not violated any rules by posting both of these in one thread. I am not accustomed to forums really. I usually just read what everyone else is writing and glean what I can from there.



I have spent several hours actually looking in the index. I LOVE the index. I have tons of new spreads copied into my journal of spreads. ;)

Astraea Aurora

Hi Cherietta

For your job situation I would suggest a relationship spread including three parties. When you take a look at the spread index there`s an extra point "relationships between three people".

For the situation in your sex life I would use the "sexuality spread", it`s also in the spread index under "sexuality spreads". I think the original spread was for a man whose wife had a problem but you can easily turn positions round.

Blessings, Astraea Aurora


I checked again just in case I missed it, but the sexuality spreads in the index are about telling your family and dealing with being other than heterosexual.

As far as my job, I thought about the three-person spread, but I'm not really trying to decide which person to side with. I think they are both wrong. I just want to work professionally with my collegues in a productive way without having to take sides. Oh, it's so complicated and it really doesn't have to be.

Thanks for the suggestions. :0)



just an idea

Hi, was reading your question and thought up a 7 card spread that may help (the realationship issue -this could be used for any problem within a relationship)..

1. Her feelings about the relationship.
2. His feelings about the relationship.
3. The positive aspects of the relationship.
4. The negative aspects of the relationship.
5. The underlying issues and / or obstacles stopping the relationship from being its best.
6. How these issues can be resolved and / or obstacles removed.
7. Anything elae you need to know about the matter.

As for your problem at work, I can't think of a spread that would help as such, but I would suggest you just try to remain as neutral as possible and just concentrate on your job if you can. Hope this helps, this is the first spread I have made up (apart from 3 card spread varieties) so I am fairly new to it! (but I have tried loads of other peoples from this site, many of which have proved invaluable!)


Thank you. I will try that.

As I got to looking at this closer, I noticed it can be used for my relationship with my mother or my best friend, or ANYONE!! I will be doing more than one reading with this spread. Thanks very very much!!



Thanks, I'm really glad you liked it and I could help!