Lost Purse


I can't find my purse anywhere, and it has my cards for the gym, bank etc. I've looked everywhere- it's usually in my car or room and I can't find it in either. I asked the cards "where is my purse?" And the cards I got was the ace of pentacles. I have no idea where this could mean. The only thing I could think of was trhat someone else has it, but I don't know how that could have happen. Does anyone have any better ideas?


Well, at least the Ace of Pentacles can mean found items! So it'll probably turn up, but as to your cards, that's another story.


It suggests that you left it at your work place.


Perhaps draw more cards on where to look, where it could be. Maybe you could draw a card for the potential of where it is -- one for each place, and then see where to focus your search.
The Ace of Pents does seem to indicate it will be found though, so that's positive!