Major changes


I did two readings today. I am using the Hanson-Roberts deck.

The first one, I felt confused and simply drew one card for clarity. I drew the Ace of Cups. This means that there will be a favorable outcome, fertility, or whatever happens something good will happen.

After I did a three card spread.

Past: The Tower---This card shows that there were a lot of changes, or something that happened that will lead to changes.

Present: Queen of Cups---- The Queen of Cups tells me not to rush any decisions and to take my time on things.

Future: Justice---- After all of this change and decision making, balance will be restored.


What was the question?


The Ace of Cups can also stand for your spiritual side--maybe your guides were simply saying they are with you. You can trust them. Queen of Cups for the present could also be about your emotional state (confusion), that perhaps emotions are clouding your judgement and that once you get these in balance, you will have more clarity. Obviously something big has happened in your life because you drew two major arcana in a 3 card drawing. This all has to do with what major change is going on in your life.


What was the question?

Oh, sorry. Forgot to add that. The Ace of Cups was drawn because I felt confused and I wasn't sure what to ask.

The three card spread was a general reading about what kind of things were going on in my life and how it would turn it.


The Tower and the Queen look as if you have regrets about something that happened; you weren't expecting something to affect you as it did, and you are still feeling emotional and sensitive about it. Justice then doesn't really show it getting resolved, because it's an emotional problem for you, and you'll be holding on to it, punishing yourself by wishing it had played out differently.

Summary card is the Hermit: You live and you learn..


The three card spread was a general reading about what kind of things were going on in my life and how it would turn it.

Unfortunately, general readings get general answers because life is so vast and intricate, therefore clients need to focus upon areas of importance in their lives, and in doing so, we readers can then eliminate the dross from our readings and go straight to the heart of the matter or problem with laser like precision.


Unfortunately, general readings get general answers because life is so vast and intricate, therefore clients need to focus upon areas of importance in their lives, and in doing so, we readers can then eliminate the dross from our readings and go straight to the heart of the matter or problem with laser like precision.

Not sure if this question is allowed here, but what kind of spread would you recommend for when you aren't sure what to ask, but just need direction?