Making up ure own spreads


How many here fancy making up their own spreads?

Is it good to do this?

As a begginer i feel the need to create my own spreads, this way i can understand my readings better. THis way i also can get answers i need without the useless parts.

Is this a good thing?


I almost always make up the spread I need for the reading in question. I do have a fair number of spreads memorized in case I want to use one I already know, but making one up is a perfectly acceptable way to use your Tarot cards too.


Do it!
Make your own spreads. When I was a beginner I often found that I had a tough time with many spreads so I just made my own and was quite happy with that. After getting used to mine, I found it easier to learn more traditional spreads.


I don't do readings often, but when I do I usually end up creating a spur-of-the-moment-spread to suit the question.

For me, it helps clarify the question and gives me better answers than set spreads with more general position meanings. Definitely something I recommend to others if they have trouble getting the hang of using the cards because sometimes the "surrounding structure" seems to take over what's really important in a tarot reading - which is the connection between the reader and the cards.

Making up your own spreads as you go along, to suit the question and give more straight answers, is a good way to not only get more relaxed around the cards but also to work on how to ask questions to get better answers.

Sonia Doris

I'm a beginner too, and I agree with everybody who says it's a good idea to "improvise". Although I sometimes make up spreads or I adapt some to questions, I prefer to have my spreads notebook with me (I keep copying spreads from where I can) and I use already existing ones. If I can't find a suitable one, I search this forum for example, and if I don't I create a spread. The interesting thing is to notice the common elements in most spreads and how they're created, and then doing the "impro" sounds very pro. :p