manteia courier problems


on Holly's RWS site there is a zip of the Manteia courier article.
I have downloaded it twice, but my unzipper won't work on it.

Hasanyone had the same problem?

Is it anywhere else that I could read it?


Thanks Fyreflye

I tried thatlink and the computer crashed.
I guess it's just not fast enough or something. She's old and crap. (but cheap!)

My unzipper usually works.
But failed me for the zipped version of the article.
Said that it was the last diac in a back up set and please put in the first one!
Which seems so totally irrelevant to the situation it was almost funny!

Oh well.


Lillie said:
Thanks Fyreflye
Said that it was the last diac in a back up set and please put in the first one!
Oh well.

Mine gave the same error message which, I must admit, made no sense at all. I think the real problem is that Tarot Passages has not maintained this link and consequently it has suffered html. burnout. Here's a link to the old html. version I picked up with the Wayback Machine: It has also suffered deterioration and none of the images (including the crucial RWS "Sun" images) have survived but combining its use with Holly's page will work for puzzling out the early RWS editions and most of the rest of the text is intact.


Thank you so much, you are an angel of mercy.
That was just what I was after.