marriage blessing


Hi all!

A very dear friend of mine is getting married in a couple of weeks (the Saturday after Beltane actually) and I would like to perform a ritual/blessing for the marriage. I'm thinking of doing the ritual on my own either the night before the wedding, the night of the wedding (after the cermony and reception) or even incorporating it into my Beltane experience. Unfortuanately, I am really new to the whole realm of magic(k)al practice and so don't feel comfortable creating my own ritual "from scratch", so to speak. I was hoping that someone here would have suggestions/ideas that I could modify to fit both the couple in question and my own spiritual path.

thanks in advance,


If you type "handfasting" into one of the search engines- you will get more info than you could ever use!! I can't think of a better wedding present- you are a lovely friend.


excellent suggestion butterfly!

in light,